Brexit: final for Theresa May


However, in Checkers, it's too hard, because Brexitiers and Remainer can not agree, and then threaten the resignation of the minister – in the worst case, the government could be safe. ;collapse. If the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson, throws the sponge, then it would be to recover, he is now considered discredited. The worst would be the resignation of Brexit Minister David Davis or Liam Fox, Minister of International Trade. On Monday or next Tuesday, the week of May will materialize in a white paper, how it imagines in detail future relations with the EU. Answers to the central questions of Brexit are expected; this would mean solutions to the Irish border issue and future trade relations and customs arrangements. The risk: There is a threat of rebellion from the backbenchers of May – both on the side of the remnants and the leave – a parliamentary mutiny that could lead to the fall of the prime minister in the worst case. Because even before the summer holidays, which begin on July 24, the month of May wants to introduce the draft law on customs and trade in Parliament.

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