Ischinger estimates that German defense spending is too low | TIME ONLINE


Berlin (dpa) – Before the NATO summit next week in Brussels, the president of the Munich Conference on Security, Wolfgang Ischinger criticized the government's defense spending federal as too weak.

It can be said for a long time whether the NATO target is right to spend two percent of the gross domestic product on defense, Ischinger said of the "world" (Saturday). "But the truth is, we accepted it as a goal, so it's unfortunate that it could not be agreed in the coalition."

At the NATO summit on July 11 and 12, there will likely be more problems with US President Donald Trump, as Germany plans less money for the budget of the United States. defense than what the partners expect. NATO has set a goal of spending two per cent of the gross domestic product on arms and the army by 2024.

The budget of Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen ( CDU ) is expected to increase from four billion in 2019 to 42.9 billion euros. Germany is then at 1.31 percent. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) gets at least 1.5% by 2024, which would represent 18 billion euros more than expected for the Bundeswehr.

Ischinger said that with the medium-term financial planning that had just been decided, the federal government was likely to be renewed Trump's summit at NATO, giving the impression that he was driving Germany with the subject in front of him.

"In reality, we should do what is necessary for our safety, because we think it's fair and not because Trump demands that," Ischinger said. "We should behave like adults." Without military influence, Europe, despite its economic size, would remain without political significance in the world.

Merkel had confirmed Friday that Germany stood by NATO's obligations. "We must be ready to invest more in defense."

Transatlantic Coordinator of the Federal Government

Peter Beyer (CDU), stressed that NATO's fears are growing that Trump will reach an agreement with the Kremlin leader on July 16 at the Helsinki Summit . Vladimir Putin could get involved. "One or the other is motivated by the fact that sweat beads on the front, which Trump and Putin meet, without anything with the NATO partners, are coordinated," he said. he told the newspapers of the Funke press group.

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