Henkel wants to raise prices: First of all, adhesives are more expensive


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  Hans Van Bylen   Hans Van Bylen

Hans Van Bylen, CEO of Henkel. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / Archives

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

D üsseldorf (dpa) – Customers of consumer goods manufacturer Henkel (Persil, Loctite, Schwarzkopf) have to adapt to price increases. "We expect higher overall prices, especially in our adhesive business," said Dax Group CEO Hans Van Bylen, the "Rheinische Post" (Saturday) in Düsseldorf. The reason is the repercussion of significantly higher purchase prices "for commodities such as oil and certain precious metals."

The adhesive division contributes half of the group's sale to the group. Henkel has notably benefited from the strong demand from the electronics industry, which uses adhesives for the manufacture of tablets, smartphones or televisions.

Henkel sold Parsley through dash buttons with the online retailer Amazon completed. But the company is putting more and more on the sale of detergents with commercial partners by subscription: "We find that consumers prefer to subscribe to products such as Persil or Somat rather than by subscription." [19659010] It is more efficient to group merchandise flows in commerce. For us, such a unique distribution of our products would be far too expensive and expensive.

The manager confirmed the Group's outlook. Stick to the 2018 Sales and Results Forecast. Henkel recently announced sales growth of two to four percent. Adjusted sales performance is expected to increase from 17.3 to over 17.5%.

Interview of the "Rheinische Post" with CEO Van Bylen

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