Atos: Stock Analysis dated 09.07.2018 ()


The Atos course will take place on 09.07.2018, 02:00 at the national market EN Paris with 117.15 EUR. The document is part of IT Consulting and other services.

We badyzed the perspectives of Atos using 6 broad categories. The action receives a partial rating for each category. Overall, the results lead to clbadification as buying, holding or selling.

1. Investors: In the past two weeks, Atos has been deemed particularly positive by its mostly private users on social media. Our editors come to this conclusion in evaluating the various comments and speeches that have dealt with this value over the past two weeks. In addition, over the past few days, most positive topics around value have been addressed. In summary, we believe that investor sentiment at this level allows Buy evaluation. As a result, the measure of investor sentiment produces a "buy" rating overall.

2. Feeling and buzz: Atos can also be observed and evaluated over a longer period of time in terms of the number of contributions (the intensity of the discussion) and the rate of mood change. This leads to some interesting conclusions about the long-term feeling of recent months. More specifically: The stock showed little activity. This indicates a lower than average level of discussion and requires a "sell" rating. The rate of change in mood shows a change to the negative, which corresponds to an evaluation as a "sold" value. In the overall badessment, this gives Atos the following clbadification: "Sell".

3. Sectoral comparison Stock price: Compared with the average annual performance of the same sector ("Technology"), Atos posted a return of -3.45%, down more than 17%. The technology services industry posted a median return of 19.59% in the last 12 months. Once again, Atos is well below that at 23.04%. This evolution of the share last year led to a rating "sell" in this category.

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