Number of overnight flights at record level | homes


  Number of overnight flights to a record level - © Photo: Christophe Gateau / Illustration
According to one report, the number of take-offs and landings at 16 German international airports has increased from 14,000 to 215 843 compared to 2016
(© Photo: Christophe Gateau / Illustration)


(Last update 31 minutes ago)

Berlin – According to a report, the number of night flights in Germany reached a new record in 2017. [19659006] At 16 international German airports have increased the number of take-offs and landings compared to 2016 from about 14,000 to 215,843, as the "Rheinische Post" (Monday), citing a current response from the Ministry federal government to a small request from the Green Group. Ten years earlier, the number of night flights was therefore 193,434, still less than 200,000.

The document cites data from the Deutsche Flugsicherung, which monitors take-offs and landings at 16 airports. These include the two airports in Berlin as well as Bremen, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne-Bonn, Leipzig, Munich, Münster / Osnabrück, Nuremberg, Saarbrücken and Stuttgart.

According to an badysis of the Greens, many flights especially in the last five years have moved in the night hours. The reasons for the increase in night flights are, on the one hand, the growth of global air traffic. On the other hand, it is because of the fact that the authorities do not take many measures against increasing delays and premature deaths. Daniela Wagner, a transport political scientist, told the paper, "It is monstrous that even existing night bans on flights are eroding and that the federal government is watching pbadively." Sleep should be protected by law "

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