US lawsuits against Bayer subsidiary Monsanto approved for glyphosate


Authorities around the world have badessed the risks of glyphosate to the population when it is used properly. To conclude that the substance is not a carcinogen including:

  • German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)
  • European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
  • US EPA Environmental Protection Agency
  • Canadian Evaluation Authority Board of Regulatory Affairs Pest Management (PMRA)
  • The Japan Food Safety Commission
  • The New Zealand Environmental Protection Agency EPA
  • The Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) of the World Health Organization (WHO) and
  • the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA

The IARC of the WHO Cancer Agency concluded in 2015 that glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic" However, the institution only examines whether a substance is basically capable of causing cancer.It does not badess how important this danger is and if there is a real risk for the population The IARC also clbadifies the hairdressing profession and the consumption of hot drinks as "probably carcinogenic", sun rays and alcohol as "safe carcinogens".

Glyphosate advocates and opponents of the debate do their best to defend their interests. To weaken the other side. The overview:

– The glyphosate maker Monsanto apparently tried to influence the decision-making process of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). To what extent this has been successful is not clear. The company is also accused of having paid researchers for positive reports on glyphosate. The company denies it.

– The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) accuses ecologists of copying pbadages from Monsanto's application for authorization. However, in the introduction to the relevant chapters, it is announced that sections of the application will be reproduced below and that the Authority has completed its own badessment, if necessary.

– A critical evaluation of IARC by glyphosate ("probably carcinogenic") involved an expert in conflict of interest. Christopher Portier has received at least $ 160,000 from US lawyers who sue Monsanto for potential glyphosate victims.

– In a section of the IARC report, Reuters also changed the evaluation of studies from "non-carcinogens" to "neutral" or "positive" ("carcinogens") in several cases in the state project. IARC denies it.

Glyphosate is mentioned again and again in the context of the destruction of insects. In October 2017, researchers published a much-noticed study on the wasting of insects in Germany. They have found no evidence that pesticides are the cause – all the more so since the survey took place in nature reserves. However, it is clear that conventional farming with monocultures and pesticides plays a role in the destruction of insects. The problem of glyphosate alone, however, is short.

In the context of glyphosate Monsanto is usually named as a manufacturer. The company first put the stuff on the market in the 1970s. The patent expired in 2000, however. Monsanto, which has since been bought by Bayer, remains the market leader with a share of around 40%. In addition to the company, dozens of other companies around the world offer herbicides containing glyphosate.

In Germany, according to the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), 37 agents are currently registered with glyphosate, sold under 105 trade names

Most plants absorb the glyphosate by their leaves. From there, the active ingredient enters the entire organism and blocks the production of amino acids. This causes the death of the plant. In Germany, glyphosate arrives in the field before the crop is sown. Otherwise, not only the weeds but also the sown plant would die. This is only in exceptional cases that glyphosate can be used before harvest.

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