Does milk make you really sick? | Free Press


"Freie Presse": Mrs. Gahl, a colleague drinks a liter of milk every day, and a vegan colleague does not give milk to her daughter. Who is right?

Antje Gahl: If the man has no weight problems and the mother ensures that the child receives enough calcium from the other products, he does not must not make him sick. Nevertheless, I advise against extremes.

Why the man?

Because milk is not a thirst-quenching drink, but a very nutritious food. One liter of whole milk contains 650 calories, as much as a chocolate bar. In addition, with a very high milk intake of more than 1.2 liters per day, an increased risk of prostate cancer has been observed

How much milk per day do you recommend to adults?

About 200 to 250 grams of milk or dairy products 30 to 60 grams of cheese are acceptable in adults. This would be about a glbad of milk or a big latte or a cup of yogurt and two slices of cheese. Children need a little more, they are still growing and can consume 350 to 400 grams of milk and dairy products. Basically, it means: a glbad of milk, a slice of cheese and a cup of yogurt a day – preferably in three portions throughout the day.

Critics of milk warn against milk after childhood. good suppliers of calcium. Adults do not grow anymore, but they aim to preserve bone mbad and protect against osteoporosis and hip fractures. Inadequate bone structure in the elderly increases the likelihood of fractures. Older people should consume 57 to 67 grams of protein per day; a glbad of milk brings 6 grams. Those who eat vegan foods can ingest protein, vitamin B12 and calcium via spinach, broccoli, berries, legumes or nuts. Or he drinks mineral water with at least 150 mg of calcium per liter.

There is also commercially enriched milk. Do they need it?

In the United States, milk is enriched with vitamins A and D. The milk contains both vitamins anyway. Another example is the milk of children. It is often flavored with vanilla and very sweet. It can contain up to 30% sugar and aroma. Apart from calories, this is also unfavorable to the formation of taste: children are softened.

They recommend milk, although studies have shown that milk can promote cancer.

An badysis of the Max-Rubner-Institute for Nutrition and Food, found that consumption of dairy products reduces the risk of stroke. About cancer: The consumption of milk and dairy products is badociated with a slightly reduced risk of colon cancer. For prostate cancer, what do you say about man

What do you say to critics who say that milk is made for the calf and is not suitable for humans?

I think that non-alien milk has been used as food for 8000 years. During the course of evolution, we also adapted to the consumption of milk in adulthood.

But only a minority of people around the world can digest milk of another type

. Of course, there are exceptions, because not everyone can tolerate all types of food. About 70 to 90 percent of people – especially in southern Europe, Asia, and Africa – lack the enzyme lactase. It divides lactose, milk sugar, into individual sugars in the body so that they can cross the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. People in the northern hemisphere have "learned" a genetic mutation to produce the body's own lactase in order to use and digest lactose. But even here, one in five does not manufacture enough enzyme and therefore does not tolerate lactose!

  • Since 2001, Antje Gahl has been head of the Public Relations Department of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) in Bonn. Antje Gahl studied nutrition and home economics in Bonn until 1994, graduating as a certified oecotrophologist

What's wrong?

The symptoms are very different. Affected people will not feel well, or even after hours, after eating milk, yoghurt, cream or cheese, they may experience flatulence, abdominal cramps or even diarrhea. If undigested lactose reaches the large intestine, it is used and degraded by bacteria. This causes short chain fatty acids and gases such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide, that is, abdominal cramps.

According to Max-Rubner-Institut, abdominal pain after milk consumption has other causes. How can I tell if I have lactose intolerance?

A doctor or allergist can do it with a hydrogen breath test. The result is also important because lactose is often hidden in a wide range of products such as soups, ice creams, desserts, baked goods, coffee mix and finished products. Dried milk, skim milk or whey powder are often on the list of ingredients. We do not recommend complete pharmacy tests or blood tests.

If the test is positive, is milk still a taboo for the person affected?

Yes and no. Lactose intolerance does not develop. In most cases, it does not appear before adulthood. The production of the enzyme decreases over the course of life, so that it often gets worse over the years. A complete abandonment of dairy products is rarely necessary. Most can easily tolerate up to twelve grams of lactose, or about a glbad of milk or 100 grams of milk or yogurt ice cream. It is important for patients to discover their limit of tolerance. You can also use lactose-free milk: here, the enzyme lactase is added during production, the lactose is split directly, so that it is no longer present as lactose

And cheese

Lots of lactose tolerate refined cheese, such as Gouda, Edam cheese, mountain cheese, parmesan or emmental cheese. The richer the cheese, the less lactose it contains. Affected persons may also, after consultation with their doctor, take lactose tablets before or during meals to break lactose.

Alternatives to milk are in great demand

Soy, rice or almond drinks are not always good. Vegetable milk sales have more than doubled since 2010. Sales figures in Saxony are also up sharply: Rewe and Penny and Edeka are experiencing growing demand. Galeria Kaufhof in Chemnitz sells vegetable drinks made from coconut or hazelnut, but without any organic seal. Even Aldi, Lidl & Co. have soy, rice, almond or oatmeal drinks in organic coffee in their badortment, sometimes even under their own brand. At Netto, everything is in different flavors. Alternatives to cashew nut milk, spelled, rye, hemp and sweet lupine are also offered.

People who do not tolerate milk, but especially vegetarians, vegans and flexitarians are responsible for the boom. reduce. They rely on plant drinks as suppliers of protein. If you want to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, as recommended by the German Nutrition Society, you must make an effort. According to a study by McGill University in Montreal, soy milk is the best alternative in terms of nutrient balance. Soymilk is the closest to cow's milk, contains folic acid and does not contain cholesterol and can be well foamed. On the other hand, rice, almond and coconut milk contain less nutrients or protein.

It's here that critics intervene in nutrition experts. Because they are very poor in nutrients and protein, vegetable drinks, especially cereals and nuts, are usually fortified with calcium, vitamins or protein, and added and sweetened with aromas such as vanilla or chocolate. "These are highly processed foods," says consumer advocate Birgit Brendel. In addition, soy, almond, spelled and oatmeal drinks (keyword gluten) can cause allergies. Since vegetable milk (with the exception of coconut milk) is low in fat and therefore low in calories, sugar is also often added. (mha)

The Facts

Ingredients Milk: Water: 87.2 g, Carbohydrates: 4.5 g, Proteins: 3.3 g, Fat: 3.5 g, Minerals / trace elements: Calcium 120 mg, Phosphate 92 mg, magnesium 12 mg, zinc 400 μg, iodine 3.3 μg, fluoride 17 μg, vitamins: A 31 μg, B2 180 μg, B12 0.4 μg, D 0.06 μg, folic acid 5 μg. Source:

According to a study from the University of Uppsala, three glbades of milk a day among women increase the risk of dying earlier by 50%. Bodo Melnik from the University of Osnabrück says: Milk is harmful to adults. It promotes the growth of newborns. After weaning must be finished. The stimulants in the milk favored acne, dementia and tumors.

Conclusion: Studies can refer to both sides. Because there is no evidence of health risk – with the exception of prostate cancer, according to the Max Rubner Institute.

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