Tesla Launches Model 3 Configurator – No Version for $ 35,000


With the usual number of fanfare, Tesla announced his model 3 for about two years. The first Californians car for normal income should be. A starting price of $ 35,000 (just under $ 30,000) propelled Elon Musk into the ring, attracting about half a million pre-orders.

Since then, much of the euphoria surrounding model 3 has collapsed. Problems of production and quality, long waiting times, growing thinness Musks – The image of Tesla has suffered tremendously in recent months. After all: after some delays, the automaker claims to have managed to set self-imposed production targets of at least 5,000 cars a week

Tesla Model 3: The Stromer for the mbades?

that interested parties – at least in the United States – on the Tesla website no longer pre-order a 3 model in blue, but can actually configure their car. But you would not be in Tesla, a story would be completely smooth. With the Model 3 configurator, one thing stands out quickly: a vehicle for $ 35,000 does not exist.

At least for the moment. The cheapest option available costs at least $ 49,000 (just under $ 42,000). The comes then according to the manufacturer but also with a larger battery and "premium interior" therefore. About 500 kilometers should be with a battery charge, at least if you do not press too much on the accelerator pedal, the car in 5.1 seconds at 100 km / h driven and screwed the 225 km / h announced on the clock. The current delivery time for model 3 is not so suitable for mbad? According to the manufacturer three to five months. In the United States, of course, after stopping the car at the earliest in the first half of 2019.

In the past, Tesla CEO Elon Musk had already admitted that it would be difficult to make money with an option of $ 35,000. This is why the constructor first relied on more expensive versions. However, Musk had also agreed to offer the base model as soon as production was going smoothly. There is nothing to see. On the Tesla website, it is written succinctly that the car with the standard battery will be available in six to nine months. You probably should not bet on this information.

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