Bubesheim – Bayer. Ministry of the Interior: fatal traffic accident between car and tractor


The 22-year-old driver first came to the banquet for unknown reasons, then to the opposite lane, where she collided head-on with the oncoming tractor. He, in turn, is to the right of the road, the 63-year-old driver having been fatally wounded. The driver of the car was seriously injured by firefighters recovered in his vehicle and transported by helicopter to the hospital. To clear up the accident, an accident expert was called on the order of the public prosecutor: emergency rescue, the rescue helicopter Christopher and the firefighters of Wbaderburg, Großkötz, Denzingen, Günzburg and Bubesheim in action. Kreisstraße is closed to the registration of the accident and recovery of the vehicle and is expected to remain until the evening

nfni / Bayer. Ministry of State of the Interior

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