Study: Stress Reduces Vision


Stress is often the cause of headaches or back pain. If you are constantly on, even your vision may decrease. This is highlighted by a new study.

It is already known that stress can affect our physical health. Indigestion, lack of concentration, headache or backache – the list of possible complaints is long.

Even weight loss can hurt stress. However, what almost nobody knew until now: stress can even worsen the view. This discovered scientists from the Institute of Medical Psychology at the University of Magdeburg. The results of their study were published in the journal The EPMA Journal.

Study shows that stress can worsen the sight

For the study, the research team evaluated more than one hundred studies and existing clinical reports.

They found that a too high level of stress can worsen the vision. The loss of high power in turn leads to more stress. "There is clear evidence of a psychosomatic component of vision loss because stress is an important cause – and not just a consequence – of progressive loss of vision due to conditions such as glaucoma and optic neuropathy, "says Berhard Sabel. , Director of Studies and Director of the Institute.

How to explain the results

Often patients already have the premonition that mental stress is partly responsible for vision loss. The study has now established a clear link.

But how can this be explained? According to experts, "continuous stress and high levels of long-term cortisol can negatively affect the eyes and brain because the autonomic system is unbalanced, blood vessels are deregulated and intraocular pressure is increased." The eye and the brain are involved in vision loss,

Loss of vision through stress: new therapies

Eye diseases and inflammation are just some of the consequences of stress that can cause d 39, other damages. If the doctor tells his patient to predict complete vision loss, it is another stressor.

To break the vicious circle, Professor Sabel developed a holistic approach to treatment that combines stress management, patient education and visual restoration techniques.

The expert also recommends stress reduction and relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or psychotherapy to combat stress. In addition, new therapies such as electrostimulation and relaxation procedures may complement ophthalmic treatments.

How do you charge? Discover in the stress test.

Julia Poggensee

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