At the end of 2016, approximately 8.6 million pensioners were receiving a pension of less than 800 euros per month, according to the figures. The ministry said that additional income could be added – like that of the partner
Thus, most men in the West of 2016 had a monthly pension of between 1250 and 1300 euros, at the same time. is between 1000 and 1100 euros. Old-age pensions between 200 and 300 euros are most often paid to West German women. In many cases, this is because Western women were often unemployed or had little or no work experience. East German women are the most likely to receive pensions between 800 and 850 euros.
However, just under two-thirds of senior household incomes come from statutory pensions. In 2015, married couples in the West earned a monthly net income of 2572 euros on average, single men 1593 and women 1422 euros. In East Germany, married couples had € 2,257, single men over € 1,389 and women € 1,370.
3.1% of pensioners depend on basic security, compared to 8% of those who can work
Zimmermann, who had applied, nevertheless described the relatively high number of relatively small pensions as "worrying" . She said: "While what currently prevents many retirees from falling into poverty, is spousal protection or a good occupational retirement, these forms of coverage are becoming less common."
but before taxes. Data for 2017 is not yet available.
Earlier this month, pensions rose 3.22% in the West and 3.37% in the East. Among other things, the federal government plans to guarantee pension levels, ie the ratio of pensions and average wages, improvements for early retirees with health problems and improvements for older mothers. Elderly
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