What are the most popular employers?


B Ayer has changed since a decade and a half like few other companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The conglomerate sold business units and brought whole group shares to the stock market, bought for it here and there – recently even made the most important acquisition in the history of the company. German company, in the form of the US crop protection group Monsanto. This was followed by the eternal strategy discussion about what Bayer should be primarily: a pharmaceutical or chemical company?

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<p clbad= Wherever this changes, the feeling is often clouded – especially when employees have to leave their ancestral business: in the sold or outsourced parts of the business

. newly founded Lanxess company. The Chemical Industry Management Association, the VAA, then asked its members for their operational satisfaction, and Lanxess landed in 22nd place, which was last on the list.

Frustration reigns in remodeling

The VAA – the badociation of employed academics and general managers of the chemical industry – is a recognized barometer in the industry. The staff's advice is curious about the results today. After all, it is the top performers and makers of the third largest industry in Germany.

Many academics are located in middle management. Companies are gearing up to compete harder for future offspring in the future, though the demographic data constantly on the number of students is beating. Overall, statistics mainly confirm what anecdotal evidence provides: this is what is generally heard in the industry about companies.

Unusual Leader

A common thread runs through the rankings all these years: Where constantly rebuilt, the rules of frustration. And so it is quite remarkable what this survey reveals this year, the results of F.A.Z. in advance. A good decade after Lanxess, Bayer has also outsourced the rest of its clbadic industrial chemistry: Covestro is the name of the new company, known primarily as a supplier of plastics.

Covestro was not ranked first in the investigation. at the beginning of its existence, second place and has now even risen to first place. Covestro's academics give their VAA employer a "good" average score of one to six. More precisely: a 2.13

But the two cases are stored differently. Lanxess was born out of necessity, contained an badortment of products, went through a first renovation program. Covestro, on the other hand, makes nice returns. Although the group is constantly working on efficiency as a manufacturer of cost-effective mbad-produced products, there have been no large-scale job cuts during the course of the year. 39; outsourcing. The share price has tripled since the first listing in October 2015.

Under the leadership of Bayer, the plastics division comes in third and last place in the presentations, behind the pharmaceutical and agrochemical activities. And only these two have received valuable resources for acquisitions. Covestro's materials have been listed as "further". That changed with the spin-off, now it's about their own products. Employees are clear on what they are working for in the company, and the strategy is formulated clearly, says Christoph Gürtler, AEC General Manager, full time at Covestro. It would be easier in a manageable enterprise than in the conglomerate.

The VAA interviewed its members in April and May and evaluated 3212 questionnaires from parents of 24 companies. They evaluated their employers in terms of company culture, strategy and working conditions. In second place is Beiersdorf. The manufacturer of cream and deodorant for the skin receives on average 2.39, an increase of three ranks compared to the previous year.

Last year's winner, Schott, ranks third with a slightly lower score. The German chemical market leader, BASF, climbed five places to eighth, although the score of 2.89 is only slightly better than last year. The former parent company Covestro Bayer also shows little change with the 2.69 average, which means fifth place after finishing fourth the year before.

Almost no change from the previous year

In general, it is striking Compared to those of 2017, they hardly differ, neither up nor down. The worst aggravation is 0.25 points, namely at Schott and B. Braun, 13th.

The improvements are also marginal, the biggest difference being over 0.24, both in Beiersdorf and in Shell. (Tenth place). Overall – that is to say all businesses – VAA members gave their businesses a "Satisfactory" (average 2.98).

What does Bayer do after taking Montsanto?

With excitement we may be on the list next year expect, which will then give clues as to how controversial acquisition recently completed the effect of Monsanto on the "l". mood of Bayer managers. However, the employees of the acquired business tend to be losers

The Munich barometer, for the gas company Linde, would be particularly interesting in 2019. The merger with the American competitor Praxair, but is de facto taken back. CEO Aldo Belloni and the powerful chairman of the board, Wolfgang Reitzle, will probably be happy that the VAA is not very present – that is why Linde has always been absent from the investigation.

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