67 rescued refugees are allowed on land – slap for Italian ministers – foreign policy


Italy not only listens to its command

First serious political defeat for the Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini (45 years), of the xenophobic Lega Nord. Unconsciously, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister had blocked the authorized entry of the merchant ship "Diciotti" by the Ministry of Transport with 67 boat people saved aboard a Sicilian port

Now the chief from the government Giuseppe Conte (53, no party), The Social Democrats (PD), as the largest opposition party, also call for the resignation of Salvini.

This was preceded by a one-day odyssey of the "Diciotti". The ship can only dock if the alleged rioters "handcuff", Salvini said.

However, the prosecution had no evidence of serious offenses warranting arrest. As a result, the president of the state intervened Thursday night. Sergio Mattarella (76) allegedly led Conte in a personal phone call to persuade Salvini to approve.

Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Five-Star Movement, Luigi Di Maio (31), said the ruling of the president must be respected. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has criticized the "unacceptable delay" in the case. «Https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/fuer-die-67-aus-seenot-geretteten-migranten-aus-afrika-endet-die-tagelange-irrfahrt-sie-duerfen-nach-i-200854835 -56308558 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" For the 67 African migrants rescued from maritime disasters, the days of the end of wandering , they can after the intervention of the Italian president against Salvinis Land "data-zoom-title =" For the 67 African migrants rescued from the maritime disasters that end the days of wandering, they are allowed to land after the intervention of the Italian president against Salvinis.


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For the 67 migrants rescued from the distress of Africa, the wanderings of one day will finish, they can after the intervention of the Italian president against Salvinis on the ground photo: ALESSANDRO FUCARINI / AFP

The 67 migrants – including three women and six children – were rescued from the Libyan coast Sunday.

They were first caught by the Italian ship "Your Thalbada" Had been taken aboard off the Libyan coast. Some of the refugees, however, reportedly acted on the "Your Thalbada" against the crew. Crew members joined the rescue center in Rome and contacted the rescue center

Two alleged perpetrators of violent protests were identified during an interrogation by the Italian police at edge of the Diciotti. Salvini had spoken Wednesday of "criminals" and "violent pirates".

How Europe isolates

Now, the right-wing populist, allied with the French Naval Pen, said that he acknowledged the president's initiative with "regret and surprise".

In a series of tweets, Salvini announced that he would drop it. In the late evening, he made an open racist Twitter post: For a photo of African migrants, he wrote "Go, go, go!" And put behind a laughing emoticon.

The intervention of Mattarella is unusual, since the role of the President of Italy is largely limited to representation.

The relationship between Salvini and Mattarella is tense. The president has denied Salvini the post of prime minister in the formation of a government.

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) is currently trying to persuade Salvini to take back migrants with Italian asylum procedures if they are caught at the German border. Until now, no agreement is in sight

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