Kreis Heidenheim: ticks: Kreis Heidenheim remains risk area TBE


Kreis Heidenheim / Karin Fuchs

Tick danger: There were already 109 cases of FSME throughout the country in 2018. But: What is FSME? And what distinguishes them from Lyme disease? Here more:

This spring, according to figures from the Department of State Health, 109 people already have TBE. It's a quarter more than in mid-2017 (88 patients).

Especially affected are the districts of Ravensburg (13 cases), Calw (10 cases) and Ortenaukreis (15 cases).

For the district of Heidenheim The Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration of Baden-Wuerttemberg gives the following advice:

What diseases transmit ticks?

Ticks are hematophagous parasites, all vertebrates. even humans can attack. Ticks can transmit diseases. In Baden-Wuerttemberg, it is mainly tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme disease

What is FSME?

TBE is a viral disease that can be transmitted to humans through tick bites. Although ticks from the transmitter are common throughout the Federal Republic, they contain the virus, especially in southern Germany. Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, southern Hesse and southern Thuringia are among the risk areas in which the risk of infection with TBE viruses is particularly high. The Upper Rhine Plain to the southwest and Lake Constance are particularly affected in Baden-Württemberg. Outside Germany, FSMEs are particularly prevalent in Eastern Europe, including Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and the Baltic States.

The Robert Koch Institute publishes information on current risk areas in Germany and Europe on its website.

In high-risk areas of Germany, every 20th to 50th tick can carry viruses. The number of registered TBE cases in Baden-Württemberg is between 100 and 200 cases per year. This number is between 200 and 300 cases all over Germany.

Another route of infection is oral absorption by raw milk or raw milk products, goats, and sheep bitten by a tick infected with TBE. several days excrete the virus. The virus is released into the milk in relatively large amounts, especially in goats, and can also be found in fresh cheese made from it.

TBE infections are often disease free. However, in about one-third of those infected, flu-like symptoms with fever, headache and body aches can occur. In five to ten percent of all infections occurs after an interval with no symptoms to the meninges and inflammation of the brain, which can lead to permanent damage, especially in the elderly. There is no treatment option with TBE. Only the recommended vaccine for all those exposed to ticks provides safe protection. TBE vaccination does not protect against other tick-borne diseases.

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks much more frequently than TBE. Unlike TBE, pathogens are bacteria, called Borrelia, and the infection is not limited to certain areas of Germany. On average, 10 to 20% of ticks carry this pathogen. The first signs of the disease usually consist of a painless erythema that can occur up to ten weeks after the tick bite and extending into circles.

The spread of the virus through the blood can lead to general symptoms such as flu, fever and sweating. Following this, borrelia can lodge in various organs, which can lead to inflammation of the joints, muscle pain and cardiac arrhythmia. In less than five percent of Lyme borreliosis, there is an attack of the nervous system under the image of neuritis and meningitis.

There is no vaccine against the agents responsible for Lyme disease in Germany. The disease can be treated effectively with antibiotics. Important is an early diagnosis. The probability of pathogen transmission decreases if the tick is removed early. As a rule, borrelia are only transmitted 12 to 24 hours after the end of the tick bite

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