Increased cases of measles – among them also vaccinated persons


Increase in the prevalence of measles – The Bureau requests verification of vaccination status

For months, health experts have been highlighting the growing number of measles cases in Germany. In the lower Allgäu too, more and more diseases are diagnosed, even in vaccinated people. The local health department is calling on the population to test their vaccine.

There are also vaccinated people among the newly sick

Measles is still considered by some to be a harmless childhood disease. But the disease also affects adults. In Lower Allgäu, diseases are currently accumulating. Since the beginning of June, 18 cases have been confirmed in the Health Unit of Unterallgäuer Landratsamt. "Among the new patients are also unvaccinated siblings of the disease previously," he said in a statement.

In Lower Allgäu more measles diseases are recorded. The County Health Department requests a verification of vaccination status. (Photo: pit24 /

Check the status of vaccination

Some patients are doing well again; However, according to the health department, some of them had to be hospitalized at the hospital.

In order to prevent the spread of the virus, the health authority again asks to verify the vaccination status and to make up for the missing vaccinations. Of course you have to stay in bed with a high fever and feel sick and not go to school, kindergarten or work, "writes the health authority

The disease is very contagious a few days before the typical eruption

It is very contagious several days before the occurrence of the typical red-rusting rash.

In the beginning, the disease resembles an infection of the upper respiratory tract, causing fever, runny nose, cough or conjunctivitis

. not vaccinated, should contact his family doctor. He then launches the appropriate laboratory test to confirm the diagnosis, "says the health authority

Health experts recommend vaccination

A double vaccination offers the best protection against the virus. It is therefore important, according to the experts, for adults to have their own vaccines and those of their children checked and, if necessary, be completed by a doctor.

Measles vaccines are often used as combined measles-mumps-rubella vaccines. in combination with a varicella vaccine. In principle, two vaccinations must be fully protected.

In Germany, measles immunization is recommended for children from the eleventh month of life, for infants in day care from the ninth month

And: is generally recommended for all adults born after 1970 who do not Have not been vaccinated against measles or whose immunization status is not clear once or once in childhood, "writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on its website .

People born before 1970 have probably already had measles, "say the experts. (Ad)

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