Protests: Protests in Iraq intensify – Several dead and wounded



Demonstrations Demonstrations Intensify in Iraq – Several Deaths and Injuries

| Duration: 2 minutes

  Protests in Iraq   Demonstrations in Iraq

Protesters call political slogans at a rally in central Baghdad

Source: dpa / Hadi Mizban

There At one week the demonstrations began in the south of Iraq. People are protesting against high unemployment and corruption. And against the fact that they have huge reserves of oil but hardly any water.

S The protests continued to intensify Sunday, seven days after the start of protests in southern Iraq. According to local media, several people died in different cities when clashes erupted between protesters and Iraqi security forces. Residents of the oil-rich region are protesting, among other things, against high unemployment and corruption. They feel abandoned by the government

In the city of Basra, according to a report from Rudaw television channel, at least two people died while security forces were trying to dissolve the blockade of a building in the city of Basra local government. According to the report, security forces fired live ammunition. Three people died in Muthanna province, according to a local television channel. Many demonstrators and security forces were reportedly injured.

The information situation is difficult. In many parts of the country, according to Iraqi media, Internet and social networking access should be severely restricted. An badysis of the American-American Internet company Oracle showed Sunday a mbadive disruption of data traffic in Iraq. In addition, several Iraqi television channels reported that a curfew was imposed in the province of Al-Muthanna, among others

  Protests in Iraq

Police officers prevent demonstrators from taking badault a provincial council building during a demonstration in Basra

dpa / Uncredited

The Jordanian airline Royal Jordan suspends for the moment, according to a report from the agency Petra, his flights to the Iraqi pilgrim town of Najaf. The protesters stormed Najaf airport on Friday, shut down air traffic, and then withdrew. The city is one of the most important cities of Shia pilgrims in Iraq.

In southern Iraq, there have been protests for several days against high unemployment, corruption and lack of infrastructure. The demonstrations began in Basra, but soon spread to Maisan, Najaf and Kerbela. Much of Iraq's oil is produced in the south of the country. However, people feel abandoned by the government.

See also

  ARCHIVE - ARCHIVE - 10.06.2018, Hesse, Wiesbaden: Ali B., the suspect in Susanna's death, is made by officers of a special police unit brought to the justice center to a police helicopter and transported to a correctional facility. (to dpa "Still a arrest warrant for suspects in the murder case Susanna?" of 11.07.2018) (NOTE: The suspect was made illegally for personal reasons) Photo: Hasan Bratic / dpa +++ dpa diffusion +++

Iraq is currently in a power vacuum. About two months ago, the Iraqis elected a new parliament. Due to irregularities, some of the votes had to be recounted. Therefore, the new parliament could not yet meet. However, the mandate of the former House of Representatives has expired. The government is only executive in the office. Surprisingly, the list of the influential Shiite preacher Muktada al-Sadr had won the highest number of seats in the elections

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