Ryanair landed non-stop at Hahn airport


More than 30 pbadengers were hospitalized as a result of a sudden pressure drop in the cabin of a Ryanair liner en route to Croatia. "The pbadengers complained of headaches and earaches and suffered from nausea," said a spokesman for the federal police. All could have left the clinic during the Saturday. The 189-pbadenger machine from Dublin, Ireland, had to land on Saturday at Hunsrück Hahn airport. The airline explained that the crew had provided oxygen masks and initiated a controlled descent.

The two flight recorders had been secured, said Sunday a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Aviation Accident Investigation in Brunswick. According to them, the experts hope to discover the cause of the sudden pressure drop.

The plane was heading towards the coastal town of Zadar when the captain asked permission to land. Paramedics and emergency doctors took care of the pbadengers, and ambulances took 33 of them to hospitals in Mainz and Koblenz. The Federal Police reported that they had been treated as outpatients

. An area in a terminal was available for the night, and pbadengers were also receiving medical care here. On Saturday morning, a replacement machine started in Zadar. However, for medical reasons, 22 pbadengers were unable to fly because they would be taken to Zadar by bus, the Federal Police said.

What exactly happened aboard the Boeing 737-800 was not clear at first. "Professionals need to clarify now, but it can take time," said the police spokesman. The Federal Aviation Accident Investigation Bureau has initiated the investigation into the cause. A statement from the federal police indicates that the pressure drop has occurred suddenly. The plane landed at 23:30 at the tap

A pbadenger of Ryanair flight FR-7312 reported to the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" via Facebook a not very loud noise and a rapid drop in temperature. Oxygen masks were abandoned and an announcement announced an emergency descent. At first, there was panic on board, but in the end everyone kept calm. Many pbadengers had ear pain, some had reported ear bleeding. A woman was swept away on a stretcher

"Pressure drops sometimes happen more often, but this rarely leads to real problems," spokeswoman Janis Georg Schmitt said. There is no danger of falling. The case of a pressure drop is practiced regularly in the simulator. There is a slow pressure drop, caused for example by a small hole in the cabin wall or by problems of pumping air into the aircraft. In the rarer case of a rapid pressure drop, the cause could be a larger hole in the wall of the aircraft, the loss of a window or a problem with a valve. "In this case, you hear a bang, the pressure of the air and the temperature suddenly drops," said Schmitt. Pbadengers could then have earaches, in some cases the eardrum could burst.

Ryanair simply stated that the reason for the safety landing was a "flight depressurization". For the exact cause, the airline did not provide any information, even on the nature of the pbadengers' health problems. Last week, a pressure drop in an Air China machine made headlines. In this case, the co-pilot had smoked an electronic cigarette. He wanted to remove the smoke, but pressed two bad buttons, triggering a pressure drop and the corresponding alarm.

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