Hike with type 2 diabetes? Less danger because the therapy


Diabetes is one of the most common metabolic diseases in the world. Currently, about 10 percent of the population in Germany suffer from this disease – 90 percent of them from type 2 diabetes.

This form of diabetes can be very well filled with enough exercise and a balanced diet. Complete healing may be possible. Hiking in the mountains, for example, is particularly appropriate as a form of exercise. We clarify why this is so and what should be considered.

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For a long time, type 2 diabetes was considered "old age diabetes". And even today, about half of those affected are over the age of 65. Nevertheless, it is reported that more and more young people are getting this type of diabetes. The increased formation of insulin resistance is badociated with such a high carbohydrate diet and concomitantly with obesity, which is why we often talk about a civilization or a Prosperity disease in type 2 diabetes. But genetic factors also seem to play a role.

The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

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Before you go hiking in the mountains its advantages in the context of a disease type 2 come first, the difference with type 1 diabetes must first be underlined. Type 1 diabetes, like type 2 diabetes, is also essentially a disorder of blood sugar metabolism. However, it is not insulin resistance but chronic insulin deficiency – a small but significant difference. In type 1 diabetes, there is essentially an autoimmune disease; the immune system destroys the pancreatic insulin-producing cells; the blood sugar is no longer degraded, insulin must be administered intravenously. In contrast, pancreatic insulin production is generally still intact in the onset of type 2 diabetes, but muscle cells or insulin receptors are becoming less sensitive to the disease. 39; hormone. Again, a high level of sugar in the blood is the result. However, in the case of Type 2 treatment, unlike type 1 treatment, the treatment can be completely suppressed. Because a change of diet and a lot of exercise can help to further increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors and thus to normalize the metabolism of blood sugar again. However, how successful this is is a question of the stage of the disease.

Combating Type 2 Diabetes With Mountain Migrations

The literal fatality of type 2 diabetes is that it is generally recognized too late and the disease develops slowly (which is completely different in Type-1). Typical symptoms are fatigue, frequent urination, and therefore thirst. High and persistent blood glucose levels can even lead to a heart attack or stroke. In case of suspicion, it is therefore recommended to regularly check the blood glucose with the help of a glucometer (online glucometer).

Hiking in the mountains, as well as many other sports activities, is a good therapy for type 2 diabetics. Not only to reduce obesity, also indicates in the research more and more that the endurance sports can in principle further increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors. However, if you have to administer intravenous insulin because the pancreas stops producing insulin (a result of persistent overproduction due to insulin resistance), you should adjust your insulin doses. For hikers, it is therefore advisable not only to have a blood glucose meter and a sufficient ration of insulin and carbohydrates, but also to consult a diabetologist.

Mountain hiking has benefits not only for people with diabetes but it is also a blessing for the soul. Anyone who has already come to enjoy the prospect of a 3000 peak will not want to miss it soon, whether with or without diabetes.

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