Votes in the lower house: Can escape defeat


In the struggle for British trade policy after Brexit, Prime Minister May escaped a defeat in the lower house. A request for a customs union was rejected, but its commercial law was approved

By Thomas Spickhofen, ARD Studio London

British Prime Minister Theresa May survived two Brexit votes in the House of Commons with a black eye. This time the pressure came from the friendly forces of the EU within the Tories

Detachment of the Customs Union

They demanded that Britain remains in the customs union at the case the government would not conclude a trade agreement on January 21st the EU has ended. However, the lower house rejected an amendment corresponding to the Commercial Code by a majority of six votes.

In addition, EU advocates have asked the government to make membership in the European medical network a trade agreement with the EU. The House of Commons voted in favor by a majority vote of

The commercial law in question this time gives the government the opportunity to conclude independent trade agreements with partners around the world after leaving the European Union. The House of Commons approved the government's bill with 317 votes against 286.

The hesitant majority for May

In the lower house, the Conservatives do not have their majority, but depend on the DUP d & # 39; Northern Ireland. Even a dozen conservative rebels can destroy this slim majority of the government.

On Monday night, the government had to accept a major change for the hard-pressed Brexit on another bill. Then, in negotiations with the EU, it should demand that the Union also collect UK tariffs at its external borders after Brexit.

The model provided by the government so far only provides for Britain, after leaving the European Union Borders impose duties on the EU if the goods must be transported to the a country of the EU.

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