NSU: Ralf Wohlleben is free – how do the authorities react?


On Wednesday morning, a well-known prisoner left JVA Stadelheim: Ralf Wohlleben, 43, was released after six years and eight months in detention.

Wohlleben is considered one of the main supporters of right-wing terrorists. Underground "(NSU) The Munich Higher Regional Court sentenced him to ten years in prison last Wednesday

What will happen next in the case of the former vice-president of the Thuringian NDP – Answers to key questions

Why was Ralf Wohlleben convicted?

The 43-year-old man was found guilty of complicity in murder in nine cases. is the pistol with which Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos murdered nine small business owners Wohlleben has always denied the allegations

For the Federal Prosecutor's Office, it is clear that Mundlos and Böhnhardt ordered Wohlleben a silent weapon The weapon was indeed worried by Carsten S., also condemned by the NSU helper, and handed in. However Wohlleben was of the opinion of the Federal Prosecutor of the decision makers with important functions: He alone organized the Supply, sup ervise and responsible.The Attorney General Jochen Weingarten called Wohlleben in his plea as "Rector of the Spirit", as superior, ruler and "brain with special special knowledge."

Why is he now released?

Wohlleben was in custody. saw. His lawyers had recently asked for the warrant to be lifted. The court has now met.

According to the penal Senate, there is no danger of flight. The decision follows the Senate's badessment of the Attorney General, who no longer considers it necessary to continue with pre-trial detention.

How does the Court establish Wohlleben's release?

Basically, the lower the expected penalty, the higher the requirements to justify the risk of escape. Because the time is counted in custody, remains three years and four months of rest for Wohlleben when the judgment becomes final.

"Maintaining the remaining sentence is therefore no longer so high as to justify an increased incentive to escape" the OLG with. The judges must weigh what escapes them and what they do against him. Against his escape speaks Wohlleben has the wife and children in Germany.

In addition, the judges may have taken into account that Wohlleben has already served more than two-thirds of his expected imprisonment. In this case, the rest may be suspended for probation. In this context, a flight is unlikely

Who is Ralf Wohlleben?

The 43-year-old man was a neo-Nazi active for decades. Already in the 90s, he walked right-wing extremists into the marches, shouted at rallies in the microphone and rushed against strangers. He was vice-leader of the Thuringian NDP in 2000.

He is considered a supporter of the NSU from the beginning. According to the investigations, he already belonged to the "Kameradschaft Jena", of which Böhnhardt, Mundlos and Zschäpe filed in early 1998.

The fact that he remained with his attitude, he stressed several times in the process: He remained "faithful to his ideals and political beliefs," his lawyers said in a statement.

How are the authorities responding to his release?

Security authorities expect Wohlleben to move to Saxony-Anhalt. There, his wife lives with the children, said a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior. Get ready to Wohlleben to settle there.

Saxony-Anhalt is in close coordination with federal and state security agencies. More details did not mention the speaker. The Ministry of the Interior of Thuringia also said that all agencies are particularly sensitized. The LKA of Thuringia announced that it was going to endanger the life of Wohlleben.

The MDR reported that various intelligence services coordinate the surveillance of Wohlleben. In addition, the Thuringian police has created a risk badysis. Voice n ° 59 – The murders of the NSU: Why many questions remain unanswered?

How does the radical scene on the right react?

The President of the Constitutional Protection of Thuringia, Stephan Kramer, fears that the liberation of Wohlleben will strengthen the scene of the right. "He is a hero in the scene, he has always been silent, but we will have a special eye on him," said Kramer the editorial network in Germany.

Katharina König-Preuss shares this review. "This pushed the scene," says the left-wing Landtag in Thuringia. King-Preuss knows the scene well. Wohlleben was released as a martyr who had betrayed no one.

Right-wing extremists, according to her, raised money for Wohlleben, there was a T-shirt campaign for his release. Neonazis also took good care of his family while Wohlleben was imprisoned

When will it be clear how long Wohlleben will still be in prison?

The verdict of the NSU trial is still not final. Wohlleben's lawyers have already filed a complaint. If the verdict was valid, Wohlleben should take his rest.

But it may take a long time to make a decision. The president of the court, Manfred Götzl, has more than 90 weeks to justify his conviction in writing. The lawyers finally have four weeks to justify their review – and the verdict of the Federal Court must wait. This too can take months for such a complex procedure.

And even if the decision becomes final, it may be suspended in whole or in part. Wohlleben may not even need to go to jail.

How do co-complainants react?

The reactions of the vote seekers are unanimous: anger and disappointment are the source. (An interview with the plaintiff's lawyer Doris Dierbach is read here.)

Lawyer Stephan Lucas, representing survivors of the murder of the NSU on September 9, 2000 Enver Simsek, told SPIEGEL that the decision had a mourning effect was very stressful. His clients knew the legal situation, "but these are people who have lost their father, they can not reconcile this right with their feelings, they feel empty and misunderstood, so there is no point in explaining everything legally." 19659007] Yavuz Narin, lawyer of Yvonne Boulgarides, widow of Theodoros Boulgarides, who was murdered in Munich in 2005, commented the same. "While the right-wing scene celebrates and encourages decision and release, there is fear, irritation and desperation among the bereaved, and it is clear to them that they can not hope no help from the state ".

"At least now, the Bavarian judicial system has shown that he would not and could not properly handle racist murders with right-wing terrorism, after all, the treatment of families, the years of malfeasance, destruction of archives, I do not know how to give my clients confidence in the rule of law. "

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