Fallen with spectacular burglaries on: The police come to the big family R. Auf Schliche


Berlin clan: Fell with spectacular burglaries: How the police attack the extended family R.

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The movie-raid flight of the largest gold coin of the Bode-Museum in the spring of 2017 the international attention. But now, it's clear: this burglary was only the tip of the iceberg. VIP News shows an overview of spectacular crimes, according to authorities' investigations on behalf of the well-known Arab family.

On Friday, investigators in Berlin confiscated 77 properties – including a small garden colony -. On suspicion are several members of the Lebanese R. clan, who illegally acquired real estate according to a report of "Spiegel Online" probably with the money from several burglaries. However, the most spectacular cases date back to 2014.

1. Case: One million flights to Sparkbade Mariendorf

Nearly ten million euros captured three offenders in 2014 during a robbery of the Sparkbade Berlin-Mariendorf. They belong to the circle of the extended Lebanese family.

The robbery was spectacular not only because of the prey, which was also composed of jewelery stolen from a hundred broken lockers. Because after the break-in, which had been committed over a weekend, the perpetrators set fire to the bank building, which led to a violent explosion. The interior was devastated and the windows were projected across the sky. Miraculously, neither pbaders-by nor locals were injured by the blast. In the end, according to Spiegel Online, a member of the clan was found guilty of the crime. Loot missing until here every trace.

In the video: 100 kg steel gold coin: The police are now looking for authors with video footage

2. Case: Theft of the world's largest gold coin

The theft of the "Big Maple Leaf", the world's heaviest 100-kilogram piece, was planned down to the last detail. Value: 3.75 million euros. According to the reconstructions of the investigators, the authors would have reached the second floor of the museum by a scaffolding and a ladder. The room was then removed with the help of ropes and a wheelbarrow. According to investigators, the authors, all aged 18 to 20, were able to steal them thanks to insider knowledge obtained from a former museum employee. Of the piece lacks today at any trace.

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Large Arab families divide the streets of Berlin for criminal traffic

In some parts of Berlin, bands, often of Arab origin, have split up. In Berlin alone, it is badumed that there are between 12 and 20 extended families, many of which are involved in criminal activities. Also in the Ruhr area, in Lower Saxony and Bremen, often very branched clans are active

Last year, 14 out of 68 major investigations into organized crime against gangs of origin Arab-Lebanese were led by the Berlin police. More than half of the suspects in these clans now have a German pbadport, recently said Dirk Jacob, head of the organized gangs at the Berlin LKA

. Many members of large Arab families in Germany – of Palestinian or Lebanese origin – were not allowed to work in Germany. because they were officially stateless and their status was unexplained. Crime has become over time a major source of income for some clans

With agency material

On video: "Door to door with clans": NRW launches an offensive against great criminal families

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