Münster / Cologne –
The nose runs, the throat is scratching: no good conditions to spend the day on the deckchair or in the park. The flu also spreads in summer, but not as often as during the cold season. After all, it's rarely a serious illness – and the right behavior can reduce the risk of infection.
Although we often talk about "summer flu": this term is not medically correct. "In the vernacular, this means an influenza infection that occurs during the summer months," says Arndt Möllers, specialist of medicines for the ears, nose and throat of Münster. "This is not to be confused with a real flu, the flu."
Influenza infection is not a real flu
If people are infected with flu, the symptoms are much milder than with a flu: "influenza" summer, "she often accompanies with a cough, sore ear, sore throat and a runny nose that disappears after a few days," says Mollers. Patients are suddenly very sick with high fever, fatigue, headaches and body aches.
The infection pathways are the same: "Summer flu is also transmitted by a so-called gout infection," explains Möllers. The conditions in planes also increase the risk of infection: Here, many people are in a small space together, often it is very cool by air conditioning. The air is also dry, resulting in limited blood flow to the mucous membranes. All of these factors promote a cold – in the worst case just on the way to a vacation.
Shortly before the disease is about to leave, most people become infected
The duration of infection in summer is different. "Most of the time, you're fit again after a week," says Professor Erika Baum, president of the German Society of General Practice and Family Medicine. According to the doctor, the greatest danger of infecting other people is shortly before the onset of infection and in the early days when symptoms are palpable.
If you want to avoid contagion, Baum recommends a healthy and conscious lifestyle In addition, wet feet – especially if it's cooler – and the air currents can promote the Appearance of an infection.
Even in summer, we should keep our hands united wash
As in winter, it is advisable to wash your hands regularly and carefully and avoid as much as possible the places where many people are in a small space: it's better to drive than to take the bus and the train. Because even exercise in the fresh air strengthens the immune system and thus prevents infections.
"In food, it is important to drink a lot," recommends Frank Herfurth of the Board of Directors of the Association of Independent Naturopaths. In addition, many fresh fruits and vegetables support the body's defenses.
If you get sick, take care of yourself and drink a lot
Anyone who has been infected despite all the precautions must first save. Just as for the prevention of summer flu, even after the outbreak of the infection: drink a lot. And even if it's tempting and refreshing at first: it does not have to be drinks that come directly from the fridge or cooled with ice cubes. "The body must then bring the fluid into the stomach at body temperature," says Herfurth. "It consumes lost energy for the immune system." (Dpa / tmn)
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