Man Walking 32 Kilometers On Foot


An American had to travel long distances on his first day of work. As a reward, the boss gave the car to 20 years

This long ride paid off: Walter Carr, 20, had to walk 32 kilometers on the first day of his work and was rewarded by his boss. He received as a gift the car of his new boss.

The man from Alabama wanted to be at the time on his first day in a moving company. As his car did not start, he left on foot shortly before midnight. On Saturday morning, he was with customer Jenny Lamey and her husband at the split pack. She has documented the 20-year odyssey and posted it on Facebook

The client requests donations

When Luke Marklin, the head of the moving company, learned of the migration of his new employee he gave him his own car without delay. "I want it to be your car," Marklin said, handing the keys to Carr. "Seriously?", He replied completely puzzled.

Jenny Lamey wrote on Facebook: "I totally admire this young man." He was "modest, friendly and cheerful". Given her shortage of funds, she launched an online appeal for donations, which already reached $ 60,000 on Wednesday. Young Carr, visibly moved by a thank-you video, said, "Any hard work you do will pay off in the long run."

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Posted by Jenny Hayden Lamey on Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The 20-year-old man and his mother reportedly lost their homes due to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, writes Jenny Lamey on Facebook. Then they moved to Birmingham from where Carr made his 32 – kilometer walk.

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