The Libyan leader: "Will not enter into agreements with the EU to welcome illegal migrants"



Libyan Prime Minister "Will not enter into an agreement with the EU for the reception of illegal migrants"

| Duration: 2 minutes

  Libyan Prime Minister Fajis al-Sarradsch calls for increased technical and financial badistance for the rescue of migrants   Libyan Prime Minister Fajis al-Sarradsch calls for increased technical and financial badistance for the rescue of migrants

al-Sarradsch calls for more technical and financial badistance in the rescue of migrants

Source: Al-Motasem Bellah Dhawi

Fajis al-Sarradsch, Libyan Prime Minister, rejected critics of the Coast Guard of his country. Every day, hundreds of people would be saved off the coast. It strictly rejects the creation of anchor centers in Libya.

D The internationally recognized head of the Libyan unity government, Fajis al-Sarradsch, defended the coast guard of his country against critics. With respect to allegations that the Coast Guard left behind people, he told the newspaper "Bild": "These are huge allegations that are not correct and have already been clarified by our Coast Guard. Hundreds of people off the coast of Libya every day. "But the country needs more technical and financial support.A Spanish organization had accused the Libyan Coast Guard of leaving behind two women and a child on the high seas at sea.

Al-Sarradsch called for a comprehensive plan to solve the refugee crisis – Libya is only the transit country that people used for their escape. "We have created refugee shelters for refugees. tens of thousands of people, but there are hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants in our country, which seriously aggravates the security situation. Among them are terrorists, criminals and smugglers.

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Asked what he thinks of the possible anchoring centers in his country, al-Sarraj said, "No, we will not have that. We are absolutely opposed to the fact that Europe wants to formally welcome us illegal migrants that we do not want to have in the EU. "

Anchoring centers are not against the money

Libya also refuses cash payments for such an approach." We will not make financial arrangements with the l & # 39; 39; EU to welcome illegal migrants, "said the head of the government of the Libyan national unity, supported by the international community.On the contrary, the EU should" talk to countries from where people come and put pressure on them. "

Al-Sarradsch said that he was" very surprised that no one in Europe wants to welcome migrants anymore, but we "

The Libyan Prime Minister also wants more visits by EU politicians to his country: global efforts are needed to fight human trafficking because the smuggling ring is international. It is also important "that European politicians better understand what Libya looks like". He also wished in this context an early visit by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

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The EU had agreed at its summit in late June to reinforce its immigration policy. Among other things, he wants to welcome migrants to reception centers outside the EU.

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