Italy refuses to accept migrants from the EU Sophia mission


  Refugees on a boat off the Italian coast. (Photo: dpa)

Refugees on a boat off the Italian coast. (Photo: dpa)

According to an article in the press, Italy will no longer accept refugees from the EU's "Sophia" mission in the future. That's what the Italian Foreign Minister, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, told Federica Mogherini, head of the EU's foreign policy, reported Friday the world, citing a letter this week. The ambbadadors of the EU Political and Security Committee (PSC) therefore discussed alternative solutions to the distribution of rescued migrants.

As stated in the document quoted in the Milanese letter, Italy "is no longer in the position, the operational plan Almost two weeks ago, the Italian Minister of Interior, Matteo Salvini, had already announced that ships of international missions in the Mediterranean would be denied entry into his ports.

However, he did not give more details about the " missions "that he mentioned.

The new government in Rome already prohibits private maritime rescuers from reaching Italian ports.


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