Kaufbeurer reject in the referendum mosque new construction on the land of the city


The question in the referendum was: "Are you against the attribution of a plot of the city Kaufbeuren in the industrial area Unter Au to build a mosque?" Responded to the administration of the city 8992 Kaufbeurer with Yes (59.63 percent), 6087 with No (40.37%). 49 votes were rejected.

Mayor surprised by the result

With a total of 15,079 votes cast, the required quorum was exceeded. It was 6,800 votes, or 20% of the 34,000 voters. Mayor Stefan Bosse (CSU) spoke in a first reaction of a "surprisingly clear result".

New building for 400 faithful

The Turkish-Islamic community has existed in Kaufbeuren for about 25 years. Until now, the mosque of the community was housed in a building. According to the badociation, however, the premises were no longer sufficient. The "Turkish Islamic Cultural Association eV" had therefore asked the community to leave land for up to 99 years for lease interest.

The mayor of the CSU had several times before the referendum for the award of the land to the cultural badociation pronounced. As a sign of Kaufbeurer against tolerance, the bosses did not want to know the vote. The vote was "clearly covered by the Islamist debate in Germany and other events," said spokeswoman Andrea Hiemer at the head of FOCUS Online

According to the president of the badociation, Ozman Öztürk plans the Islamic community for two to three million euros New building to accommodate about 400 worshipers. In a resolution pbaded on November 21, the city council asked the administration by 24 votes for and 12 against, to begin negotiations with the Islamic Association for a lease agreement.

Local elected officials were in favor

of an urban plot. So the community of 45,000 wanted to reserve the "right to the house". This should apply, inter alia, in the event that the Islamic community calls for actions that endanger the constitutional order without democracy.

However, there have never been any incidents since the founding of the Islamic community. This had been before the referendum Kaufbeuren FDP Vice Johannes Espenmüller in a conversation with FOCUS Online stressed. "Many of us grew up with their members, and there was never a problem with it in Kaufbeuren."

Did the AfD pull the strings?

Officially, the referendum was launched by a retired detective named Werner Göpel. It is said that the 80-year-old man was a former member of the CSU and that he has been part of the party for years. According to a report from "Kreisboten" but the AfD in the background pulled the strings. "We are behind and have initiated the decision of the citizen," confirms Wolfgang Rotter, chairman of the district badociation of AfD Ostallgäu / Kaufbeuren, now the newspaper.

His party had already called for a referendum in December for the new Rotter Mosque. At that time, no member of Kaufbeurer AfD wanted to give his name to the cause. Among other reasons, Rotter mentioned that the AfD was still too polarized at the time

. However, Göpel rejected Rotter's claim Sunday night. Although he knows AfD politicians, but the decision he's taken alone; everything else is a lie, he said at the request of the Catholic Press Agency

There have been criticisms of the project especially because it is about 39, a cultural badociation under the umbrella of the controversial organization Ditib. Opponents see Ditib the extended arm of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In the video: The SPD in the poll increases – Social Democrats spend the AfD

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