In the inventory of short supply premiums? Visibility rates down – ADZINE – News & Magazine for online marketing and Adtech


  Image: Jakob Owens; CC0 - "title =" Image: Jakob Owens; CC0 - "border =" 0 "/>

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In the second quarter of 2018, visibility values ​​in display advertising worsened. In the current visibility report, Meetrics Germany's meter service provider has a 62% visibility rate, down two percentage points from the first quarter. However, the biggest drop is recorded by video advertising.

With 63%, the video advertising visibility rates in Germany are significantly lower than in the previous quarter. In all, 14 percentage points lose value compared to the 77% measured in the first quarter. However, the German online advertising market is still above the 53% average in an international comparison.

Compared to the previous quarter, the viewability of display ads in Germany also increased from 64 to 62%. "62% visibility is still a very strong value and presentable by international comparison," commented Philip von Hilgers, managing director and co-founder of Meetrics.

Von Hilgers sees the reasons, among other things, in the decline in premium stocks: "The finiteness of premium display stocks, but also the advertisements on mobile devices here show a negative impact on visibility rates. Nevertheless, we know from the previous quarter that the German market still has potential. "

  Image: Benchmark of the visibility of interceptions Q2 2018


Compared to the other markets covered by the" Viewability Benchmarks ", the German online advertising market is above the average of the international benchmark of 61% for display advertising. Only the Austrian (73%), Swedish (64%) and French (63%) markets can provide better figures.

The basis of the Meetrics benchmarks for visualization is the "50/1" directive of the IAB and the Media Rating Council. (MRC). As a result, at least 50% of the ad space must have been in the visible area of ​​the browser for at least one continuous second. For video ads, the recommendation is "50/2". h. the advertising material must have been visible for at least 2 seconds with at least 50% of its area.

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