The heat wave leads the paragraph: the price of beer increases with the temperatures



  Consumers must pay more for beer this summer

Consumers must pay more for their beer this summer (Photo: dpa)

Monday, July 23, 2018

The box beer will cost more this summer. Compared with the previous year, prices rose more than four percent. Although Germans are less thirsty for beer, they often use more expensive products. Heat also boosts sales

Consumers in Germany have to spend a lot more money on beer this summer. In June, prices were 4.1% higher in the same month of last year, according to the Federal Statistical Office. In the meantime, the hot summer brings good deals to the breweries. Several large breweries have raised prices in winter and spring – according to the industry for the first time in four years.

Bargain prices of less than ten euros the box is a thorn in the eyes of the producers. "The price increases were late," says Niklas Other, editor of the Inside Industry magazine. Breweries should bear higher costs for electricity, personnel and logistics. In addition, the trend is for special beers. For example, beer lovers can taste craft products more than conventional products. However, the brewing industry is suffering from the long-term beer craving of the Germans.

Less record since reunification

With 93.5 million hectoliters, manufacturers sold less beer in 2017 than ever before. Unlike previous years, exports have been unable to offset the country's decline. Germany is the world's fourth largest producer of beer, after China, the United States and Brazil. This year, however, the heat continues to play in the hands of breweries. Several major manufacturers had already reported record numbers in May, but temperatures have remained high since then.

Official numbers do not exist yet. "Summer beer sales have been excellent thanks to the weather and the World Cup," says Other. "Even though there were only a few matches of the German national team." Given the heat, sales continued to be strong in July. From January to June, the increase in sales compared to the same period last year is a good 2 percent, says the beer expert. "If the months of August and September are not rainy, 2018 will be a good year for brewers."

Wine Does not Have a Place to Go

With the recent price increase of more than 4% more expensive than wine. Here, statisticians from Wiesbaden have noted a more than 2.0%. Coke drinks cost 1.5% more, mineral water prices remained almost stable at 0.7% and orange juice was slightly lower. For apple juice, consumers had to pay 11.6 percent more during the year because of a poor harvest.

Beer is still cheap, despite rising prices, says another. In favor of the Germans, it is already undisputed against other alcoholic beverages: last year, they bought about 74 liters of beer and mixed beer drinks per capita in the food trade as well as in food markets. drinks. According to the Nielsen market research, they spent 7.4 billion euros. The wine clearly had the disadvantage: per capita, the Germans bought only 6.6 liters in 2017 in the food trade and in pharmacies.


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