Donald Trump: Payment to Playmate – Audiomitschnitt puts him in distress



Payment to Playmate The audio file puts Trump in distress

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Did Trump pay Schweigegeld to a Playmate?

Donald Trump reportedly had an affair with former Playboy model Karen McDougal – and she should remain silent. Trump's ex-lawyer, Cohen, has secretly recorded a conversation about payments to the model.

During the 2016 election campaign, a playmate should have been muzzled for a deal with Donald Trump. Now an audio file has surfaced, in which Trump talks to his former lawyer – and insists on their payment.

Details of the secret recording of a conversation between Donald Trump and his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen about a possible payment to a former gambling companion were made. CNN television broadcast the 2016 recording on Tuesday night. It tells how Trump and his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen are talking about buying rights for a story with Playboy model Karen McDougal

Lanny Davis, Cohen's lawyer, has released the recordings for release of his client. Davis argues that the record shows that Cohen had attempted to legalize the payment while Donald Trump insisted on paying in cash.

On the tape, Cohen suggests starting a business, "For the transfer of all information about our friend David". David can refer to David Pecker, a friend of Trump and head of American Media Inc., the parent company of National Enquirer magazine. Trump asks, "What financing?" And Cohen replies, "Well, we have to pay." Then Trump hears a "pay in cash". However, because the sound quality is mediocre, the context behind Trump's words is hard to discern

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$ 150,000 for its history on an alleged affair with Trump in 2006. However, the National Enquirer has never published this story, leaving it in the drawer instead.

An approach that the magazine industry calls "catch and kill" because it is not published, but the storyteller still has his other rights lost. Trump denies ever having an affair.

Cash or check?

McDougal was silenced during the 2016 election campaign through an agreement with American Media. However, days before the election, information on the deal appeared in the Wall Street Journal. At that time, a spokeswoman said Trumps, whose team knew nothing about it.

Already last week, the existence of registration was disclosed. She is part of the investigation into Michael Cohen, who deals with the financial affairs of the lawyer and deals with potential retrocession payments. As a result, Trump 's new lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, had stated that the registration would prove that the President of today wanted to pay by check.

He provided CNN with a transcript that Trump Cohen said, "Do not pay cash … Check." Giuliani told AP that the transcript accurately reflects the recorded conversation: Trump did not pay cash to suggest and the opposite, be ridiculous. He did not know if Cohen had ever thought of barbecuing, Trump had at least the "never done".

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"The President wanted to do the right thing, if you wanted to hide something, you would not do it (pay) through a company or a check," said Giuliani. In fact the payment never took place.He did not know why it was and did not talk about it with Trump.Cohen's behavior, however, Giuliani described as questionable. the cut of the sound recording in the middle of the sentence is suspicious.

Giuliani badured that he had had the recording checked by an expert.As a result, the President had urged not to not to pay in cash, contrary to what follows.

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