Intelligence: But not a second Trump Putin summit this year


| Duration: 3 minutes

  US President Trump (left) and Russian President Putin   US President Trump (left) and Russian President Putin

US President Trump (left) and President Russian Putin

Source: AFP / Archive

The White House justifies the move by an investigation into the Russian affair

D The next summit between US President Donald Trump and the President Russian Vladimir Putin is not expected to take place this year. The next bilateral meeting is expected to take place after the start of the year 2019, White House National Security Advisor John Bolton told Washington Wednesday. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo badured at a Senate hearing that the United States, despite the controversial Summit of Helsinki, did not stand firm on Russia.

Last week, the White House announced the next summit between Trump and Putin is scheduled to take place between September and December in the US capital. Trump instructed Bolton to send a corresponding invitation to the head of the Russian state.

The change now justifies the security advisor with the desire of the US president that the "Russian witch hunt" be completed before the next meeting with Putin. Bolton was referring to the investigations of the US special investigator Robert Mueller, whom Trump routinely denounced as a "witch hunt".

These investigations relate to supposedly secret Russian interventions in the US election campaign in 2016 and a possible collusion between Moscow and the United States. The Trump Team

Trump and Putin held their first bilateral summit in Helsinki last week. The appearance of Trump has caused much indignation in some parts of the American public because he had avoided speaking at the joint press conference with Putin to condemn the alleged cyberattacks of origin Russian on the American Democrats in the election campaign.

Instead, the US president gave the impression of not giving more weight to the discoveries of his own information on Russian interference than Putin's badertion that Russia did not Had nothing to do with pirate attacks. Trump called Putin's denunciation "extremely strong and powerful."

The US president, having returned to his defense, argued that he had only been promised at the press conference. He also said in a TV interview that during his four-way conversation with the Russian leader, he said "very clearly" that "we can not interfere."

During the four-eye conversation behind closed doors, only translators from both heads of state were present. US MEPs have asked if Trump could have made concessions to Putin.

Pompeo made no statement to the Senate on Wednesday about possible collusion in the conversation. He stressed Washington's determination against Moscow. The US government supports the multi-party efforts of Congress to impose new sanctions on Moscow on Russia's interference in the 2016 US election campaign and to deter legislative and presidential elections in the autumn of 2020. [19659011DonotrecognizetheannexationofCrimeabyRussiaTrumphadnotspecificallyexcludedtherecognitionofannexationHisspokesmanSarahSandersthensaidthatWashingtondidnotrecognize"Russia'sattempttoannexCrimea"

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