Mike Pompeo: North Korea continues to produce nuclear material


At the summit with US President Donald Trump, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pleaded for nuclear disarmament. It was in June. Since then, the United States has tried to make the agreement more concrete. The United States government has left the government free or not.

In the Senate, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that North Korea continues to produce fissile material. When asked if Pyongyang was promoting his nuclear program, he did not want to answer. In his opinion, however, Pyongyang continues to pose the greatest danger to the national security of his country.

Nevertheless, Pompeo was optimistic that the talks between the two countries were in the right direction. "But I admit that there is still a long way to go." In his words, the United States has not been deceived by North Koreans. The sanctions imposed on North Korea will continue to be applied.

The Washington Post reported that Trump was upset because the talks were progressing so slowly. Then Trump tweeted Monday, it was wrong, he was very happy. North Korea has not had a nuclear test or rocket launch for nine months. All of Asia is happy, he wrote.

Foreign Minister Maas Engages

Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in Singapore for the first time on June 12. The summit focused on a peaceful solution to the nuclear dispute with North Korea. The United States hopes to persuade the leaders of Pyongyang to completely, irreversibly and verifiably reduce their nuclear program. However, the extent and speed of disarmament are questionable between the two parties.

In return, North Korea wants to break out of international isolation. For that, the United States and the international community must lift their economic sanctions

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas, offered his badistance for nuclear disarmament in North Korea. "When the time comes, we are ready to support the process unfolding here," he said during a visit to the South Korean capital Seoul. The SPD politician pointed out that Germany could bring its expertise gained in the negotiations on the nuclear deal with Iran.

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