CRPS Disease: Rare Disease Woman Believes Burning Inside


A woman from the United States suffers from chronic pain (image of icon).
Photo: Oliver Killig / dpa

The life of an Arizona woman became a hell on earth when she died suddenly of a disease was infested. Since then, she suffers every day from inhuman pain with no prospect of recovery. The British "Metro" recently reported how she treats her illness.

The woman locks the door at the door – now she has an infernal pain

It all started safely. In 2015, 29-year-old Kayla Hansen kicked her hand. This triggered a neurological disorder called CRPS – or "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome". At the same time, the nervous system turns against its own body and causes unbearable pain. Hansen was the head of a restaurant, but today she can not even wash her hands.

"The Disease of Suicide" The Most Painful Disease in the World

"I feel as if someone had sprinkled with gasoline, lit and thrown into a fall at garbage, "Hansen reported in front of the" subway. "Normally, the disease only affects a few parts of the body, but the 29-year-old child feels pain everywhere." That's the disease the most painful in the world, the CRPS is worse than any amputation, it's worse than a birth, no matter what kind of fracture and more painful than cancer, "says Hansen. also informally called "suicidal illness" because many patients would die of pain

Kayla Hansen wants to increase awareness of complex regional pain syndrome

Meanwhile, Hansen spent vast sums on medical treatment. In the meantime, she should have found a specialist and hopes that eventually To this end, she has launched a donation page with which she not only wants to raise money for medicines and operations, but also wants to educate people about her illness.

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