Scientists at the University of Mainz discover new properties of a human protein: it acts against viral infections and cancer
Cancer – [19659003ScientistsattheUniversityMedicalCenterinMainzhaveidentifiedanewfactorinthebody'simmunedefense:MYPOP-aproteinuntilnowlittleknownthatsuppressestheformationofnewblocksandviralmoleculesactsasatumorsuppressorItpreventsthedivisionofthetumorcellandkillsthecancercellsThiswasthediscoveryofresearchersfromMainzintheinvestigationofinfectionwiththehumanpapillomavirus(HPV)OncogenicHPVtypesareanimportantfactorintheincidenceofcervicaltumorsandotherbadoralandpharyngealtumorsTheresultscanbefoundinthecurrentissueofthejournal"Oncogene"byNaturePublishingGroup
Luise Florin of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene Medical Center of the University of Mainz is studying the way in which infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) occurs. As scientists have discovered in their recent study, MYPOP, a transcription factor related to Myb, has central antiviral properties: it recognizes invasive papillomaviruses, including their DNA. It then binds to the viral capsid protein and to the viral control region of the DNA. This results in reduced expression of viral genes, which in turn can prevent both the infection of blocked mucosal cells as well as the formation of long-term tumors. MYPOP therefore has antiviral and antitumor properties. The researchers at Mainz have identified a new factor in cellular intrinsic immune defense, a restriction factor.
The researchers also found that HPV tumor cells do not contain the MYPOP normally present in cutaneous cells in large quantities. The reason is a viral and carcinogenic protein that induces the degradation of MYPOP. However, when the scientists reintroduced MYPOP into the tumor cells, the cells could no longer divide without inhibition. Scientists have also observed this effect in other cancer cells. MYPOP can serve as a starting point for therapies against viral infections and / or the cancer should be demonstrated by future research.
Original Publication:
"MYPOP is a novel intrinsic host restriction factor, oncogenic human papillomavirus"; Elena Wüstenhagen, Fatima Boukhallouk, Inka Negwer, Krishnaraj Rajalingam, Frank Stubenrauch and Luise Florin; oncogene; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41388-018-0398-6; https://rdcu.be/26e4
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