Because of these errors, sunscreens often lose their protective effect


The incorrect use of sunscreens has dangerous consequences

Sunscreens should protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, especially in summer. Researchers have now discovered that most people benefit from less than half of the protection provided against harmful ultraviolet light. This is a bad use.

Scientists at King's College in London have discovered in their recent research that most people use sunscreen to effectively protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. East. The experts published the results of their study in the English magazine "Acta Dermato-Venereologica".

Adequate sunscreen can be achieved by applying the right amount of sunscreen and good SPF. (Image: Markomarcello /

What is the thickness of sunscreen?

Most people abuse sunscreen. As a result, the protective effect reaches only 40 percent of the protection that one would expect from the sun protection factor. The current study found that skin protection against harmful UV-induced DNA damage underlying cancers was only significant when the sunscreen was applied at a thickness of between 1.3 and 2.0 milligrams per square centimeter. However, most people only apply a 0.75 milligram layer, the researchers explain.

Higher sun protection factor can compensate for too thin application

Most skin cancers are caused by UV rays. People can increase their sunscreen by using sunscreen with a higher sun protection factor. This could compensate for a too thin application of cream, explain the experts. Since most people do not use sunscreen as indicated by the manufacturers, people should simply use a much higher sun protection factor than they deem necessary, writes the English professor Antony Young from King's College London. "The Guardian" quoted

Insufficient sunscreen is generally applied

The sun protection factors given are based on the badumption that a sunscreen is applied over a thickness of two milligrams per square centimeter . This would be the manufacturer's recommendation. But the average user usually uses less sunscreen.

The sun protection factor 20 can quickly produce a solar factor of four

For example, if people use the sunscreen 20 and apply the cream at only 0.75 milligrams per square centimeter, actual protection level at about four sun protection factor, explain the authors of the study. To study the protective effect of sunscreens on normal and inadequate use, the researchers measured the amount of damage to the DNA in the skin of 16 volunteers.

How was the study done?

divided into two groups of eight. One group received only a single dose of UV radiation to mimic normal sunlight. The second group received several doses of UV radiation over a period of five days to mimic a continuous exposure to the holidays. Scientists have varied the amount of UV radiation during the experiment to replicate conditions in clbadic holiday destinations, such as Tenerife.

Sunscreens were in accordance with European regulations

Volunteers received their dose of UV radiation within 15 minutes of applying their sunscreen and skin biopsies were taken immediately after UV irradiation, explain the doctors . The sunscreen used in the study was in compliance with EU regulations.

Effective protection by correct application

Skin biopsies performed showed that holiday group participants applied sunscreen in the thickness recommended by the manufacturer. a high dose of UV light over several days had significant protection against damage compared to subjects who had applied only a thin layer of sunscreen. It's not disputed that sunscreens provide significant protection against the carcinogenic effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays, says Young. The study shows, however, that the way sunscreen is applied plays an important role in determining its effectiveness, the expert adds. (As)

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