Increasing the age of retirement – tens of thousands of Russians walk on the street – News


Russians should work mbadively longer in the future. The unions are now calling for protest against pension reform.

Demos Across the Country: Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Russia against a controversial increase in the age of retirement. In many cities, unions, the Communist Party and leftist groups mobilized their supporters and demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Work eight more years: The government plans to gradually increase the retirement age by 2034. Instead of men, men will leave at 65 years old to 39, age 60 and women will work 8 more years – up to 63 years. In January 2018, about 46 million pensioners live in Russia, which corresponds to about 32% of the population.

Majority against reform: According to independent opinion researchers at the Lewada Center, about 90% of Russians reject the reform. The government also announced the plans on June 14, in the shadow of the opening of the World Cup, as the country rejoiced in anticipation of the tournament.

Life Expectancy Below Retirement Age: Unionists brought A petition online on the way, which signed about 2.9 million people (as of Saturday). In this document, they claim that in dozens of regions of Russia, the average life expectancy of men is less than 65 years. "Implementing the proposed increase in the age of retirement means that a large portion of the citizens will not survive until retirement." On average, the l & # 39; life expectancy is about 67 years for men and 77 years for women. "title =" Demonstrators with a skeleton in Moscow. "width =" 1300 "height =" 732 "srcset =" images / 2018/07/28 / node_16171928 / 178340726- 2-eng-DE / bild.jpg 144w, / 07/28 / node_16171928 / 178340726-2-ger -DE / bild.jpg 320w, https: // 28 / node_16171928 / 178340726-2-eng-DE / bild.jpg 480w, 640w, ode_16171928 / 178340726-2-eng-DE / bild.jpg 768w, -2-ger-DE / bild.jpg 944w, https: / / ger-DE / bild.jpg 109 6w "sizes =" (min-width: 790px) 790px, 100vw "src =" bilder / 2018/07/28 / node_16171928 / 178340726-2-eng-DE / bild.jpg "/>

Villages to Death: In Moscow, people are walking on the streets.


Resistance to Parliament: The project's social explosiveness is also demonstrated by conflicts in parliament. While the ruling party, United Russia, agitates the law in almost closed first reading, formed in the systemic Opposition considered to be truly opposed.

What does Putin say about it? Only one long covered the unpopular project: a good month has taken until President Vladimir Putin expresses it. He does not like the increase in age of entry, but it is necessary, he said. Putin has clearly supported his government.

  Vladimir Putin. "Title =" Vladimir Putin. "Width =" 1300 "height =" 731 "srcset =" _aliases / 144w / auftritte / news / bilder / 2018/07/28 / node_16171934 / 178340756- 2-ger-DE / bild.jpg 144w, 320w / occurrences / news / bilder / 2018/07/28 / node_16171934 / 178340756-2-eng -DE / bild.jpg 320w, https: // pictures / 2018/07/28 / node_16171934 / 178340756-2-ger-DE / picture.jpg 480w, https: // images / 2018/07/28 / node_16171934 / 178340756-2-eng-DE / bild.jpg 640w, https: // /07/28/node_16171934/178340756-2-ger-DE/bild.jpg 768w, https : // 28 / node_16171934 / 178340756-2-ger-DE / bild.jpg 944w, https: // images / 2018/07/28 / node_1617193 4 / 178340756-2-ger-DE / bild.jpg 1096w "sizes =" (min-width: 790px) 790px, 100vw "src =" storage / images / _aliases / 640w / appearances / news / images / 2018/07/28 / node_16171934 / 178340756-2-ger-DE / bild.jpg "/> </div><figcaption clbad= Caption:
Vladimir Putin stands behind the planned reform of his government.


Retirement Age Theory only: Experts point out that in Russia the retirement age is already the theory for many anyway. According to the Rosstat statistics office, approximately 40% of men aged 60 to 65 and women aged 55 to 63 continue to work despite their retirement. A good 20 percent are according to even more surveys regarding pay and bread. Thus, the pension in Russia for low-income people is a second income, to ensure a dignified lifestyle, the newspaper "Vedomosti".

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