Erdogan threatens Trump – WORLD


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  Erdogan   Erdogan

"The United States should not forget that if it does not change their attitude, they will lose a strong and sincere partner like Turkey," said Erdogan to Trump. Fo to: Burhan Ozbilici / AP

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

I stanbul (dpa) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Has In Dispute The American Pastor Andrew Brunson was jailed tirelessly in Turkey

. He said his country would not give up on US President Donald Trump's sanctions, Erdogan told Turkish journalists on Sunday after a report by the Habertürk newspaper (online). At the same time, he warned: "The United States should not forget that if they do not change their attitude, they will lose a strong and sincere partner like Turkey."

Trump threatened Thursday with "severe penalties".

The American pastor was arrested in December 2016 in Izmir, in western Turkey, for terrorist charges. A court closed its pre-trial detention on Wednesday under house arrest. In other words, he was released from prison, but must not leave his home. Brunson is accused of links with the banned Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) and with the movement around US preacher Fethullah Gülen. The prosecution claims up to 35 years in prison.

According to "Habertürk" Erdogan rejected the rumors of any complicity with Brunson. A court returned the referral for Brunson's health problems under house arrest. "Instead of showing respect for a court decision," the United States raised the issue of sanctions, Erdogan said. The case weighs heavily on relations between Ankara and Washington.

Habertürk Report

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