Migration Researcher for the Asylum Center in Spain | TIME ONLINE


Gerald Knaus, the brain of the Refugee Pact between the EU and Turkey, considers that a common refugee center in Spain is reasonable. "Why Germany, France and the Netherlands have not set up a reception center in Spain with Madrid?" Knaus Migration Adviser (19459007) said that refugees are moving more and more to Spain. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), more refugees have arrived this year for the first time than in Italy. Knaus is head of the European Stability Initiative (ESI) think tank and was the initiator in 2016 of the EU-Turkey Refugee Agreement.

The model designed by Knaus provides for quick asylum decisions in Spanish centers in a few weeks. "I see an opportunity for a breakthrough right now, and we need a coalition of affected states to show what practical solutions may look like," said the migration researcher. Recognized refugees could then be distributed in Germany, France in Spain and the Netherlands. Anyone who is rejected must "return immediately to their country of origin". This would require agreements with the most important countries of origin in Africa. If they helped return those who did not need protection, occasional work visas or legal migration allowances could be promised in return.

After the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean increasingly shifted to Spain, the Madrid government called for a European solution over the weekend and increased badistance from its members. partners of the EU. Overall, according to the IOM, since the beginning of the year, 55,000 people – half of the previous year – have traveled illegally by sea in the direction of l ',,,,,,, 39 39 39 39 39 39 39. Europe. Of these, about 21,000 were registered in Spain, 18,130 in Italy and about 240 in Malta. Greek ports have welcomed 15,530 migrants, Cyprus just under 110.

The European Commission has pronounced for the last time in favor of a solution on the scale of l & # 39; EU. EU leaders agreed at the end of June on a compromise on migration policy. Among other things, voluntary asylum centers within the EU will be established and refugee reception centers in third countries will be examined.

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