Suppliers urgently search for blood donors –


Berlin (dpa)
An ice cream for each blood donor: the Berliner Charity and other providers are trying to challenge the heatwave and holidays with incentives for donors. Because especially during the hot season, many donors stay away. "We have about 40 blood donors a day.We would need about three times more care for our patients," said Dr. Yvonne Tauchmann of the Charity Institute of Transfusion Medicine.

Each donor receives not only an expense allowance, but also a voucher for a nearby glacier. The charity fee allowance is 20 euros for whole blood donations and 50 euros for platelet donations.

Because the blood is not enough, Charity has to buy canned – blood donation services from the German Red Cross. But even there is sometimes a low tide on donor beds. "We partially call donors with coveted blood groups or invite them in writing," said Susanne von Rabenau, DRK Northeast Blood Donation Consultant. The demand for blood from groups 0+ and 0- is currently barely satisfied. In addition, the reserves of red blood cells, which are particularly necessary for patients with significant blood loss, are also very low, von Rabenau said

. Some people worry that obtaining blood donations can cause circulatory problems. But even in heat, talk to people in good health for nothing against a gift, Rabenau explained. "You just have to make sure you have enough to eat and drink," said the speaker. In addition, you must refrain from playing sports and avoid direct sunlight. Then there should be no circulatory problems.

Normally, the blood supply lasted from three to four days, half a day at the moment. "However, this is not the case, we must issue an urgent message," says von Rabenau. Patient care is always badured.

The DRC is the largest blood donor with a share of about 70% of the blood. Instead of spending allowances, it offers donors snacks, drinks or even small gifts. Currently, there are shopping bags.

With ice cream, drinks, allowances for expenses, generous opening hours, air-conditioned rooms, competitions and other promotions, private provider Haema is trying to control the decline of donors. "Due to the holiday season and the always very nice and very hot weather, we have indeed seen a drop of about 20% in whole blood donations," said spokesman Jan Noack. However, no one should be blamed for doing outdoor activities instead of giving blood by this time.

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