Berlin: Berlin police suspended three officials of the LKA – Berlin


The Berlin police was suspended after new charges in the case of the badbadination of the bookmaker of three officials of the State Criminal Investigations Bureau. The prosecutor has been investigating since Sunday against officials suspected of manslaughter by omission. The reason is a legal reference from the Berlin District Court: According to the authorities, deliberately omitting mandatory measures and so taken in 2014 an approved murder.

"Serious allegations led to the decision, against the victims of a leadership ban from official activity until further notice," police said Monday afternoon. In addition, disciplinary proceedings will be taken again, if it is already done in 2014. Indeed, the disciplinary measures initiated in 2014 had not succeeded and had no consequences for the civil servants. .

Nevertheless, the officials had already been transferred to another area. Structures and working methods have been improved by a commission to increase the protection of vulnerable people.

LKA Christian Steiof has come under new pressure due to new allegations. He has been injured since the mishaps of dealing with badbadin Anis Amri. The new case was Steiof "counted up," said SPD domestic politician Tom Schreiber now.

The murder could have been avoided

Steiof had initially declared shortly after the murder, the police did not know that the Maybe the murder could have prevented it. Later, Steiof had to correct himself, abandoned investigations and information incidents. In addition, Steiof has not been informed of the actions of LKA officials. Markus Wessel, a lawyer for the victim's relatives in the Nebenklage, told the Tagesspiegel: "It's hard for me to imagine that a chief of authorities is misinformed," Wessel said. But if that had been the case, it would not speak for the boss.

As the district court said in a press release last week, the killing of Tahir Ö. On 10 January 2014, a team led by Rockerboss Kadir P. could be prevented if LKA investigators intervened. Especially since they had had clues about the impending murder since the end of October 2013.

Ö, then 26 years old. had been brutally executed. Thirteen Hells Angels rockers had burst into a betting office in Reinickendorf, where Recep O. would have visited Tahir Ö on several occasions. to have fired. The main accused, Kadir P., alleged the murder of Ö. ordered because it caused the rockers also by attacks. So, should Ö. stabbed two Hells Angels in October 2013. Kadir P., then boss of the Turkish majority Hells Angels of Wedding and Reinickendorf, was then avenged by revenge and ordered a murder.

Why did the district court investigate? eleven accused with police behavior. Now, the court said: The investigators knew weeks before the killing by contact men and listened to phone calls killing plans, but did nothing against it, only to put Kadir P. behind. bars. Complainants identified at least 19 LKA officials involved

But why is the prosecution only investigating now? Due to the legal reference of the court at the end of the trial, the prosecutor's office had to take the initiative. Because the court considers possible that the officials of the LKA have acted deliberately.

The prosecution was already shortly after the murder with suspicions against the LKA officials involved. The then vice-president of the police, Margarete Koppers, who had been a prosecutor since March, had asked the prosecutor to conduct an examination – an indication that had not been reimbursed.

At that time, the prosecution had seen no evidence of a crime and therefore did not open an investigation. In February 2017, the prosecutor's office received new clues from a special police investigator who had abandoned disciplinary proceedings. More specifically, it was the charge of homicide by negligence. But it was already forbidden at that time. This was not determined. Findings reached by the court in police proceedings since November 2014 have now given rise to suspicion.

The prosecution has now stated that the LKA should have intervened to find evidence of a planned murder; instead, a false risk prognosis for the victim was created.

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