The majority of Germans are unhealthy


Not enough exercise: Many Germans live unhealthy

Although health experts repeatedly point out the importance of regular exercise for our body, a a large part of the Germans are far too few. Lack of exercise not only promotes many diseases, but also has a negative effect on subjective well-being.

Lack of exercise promotes disease

Doctors repeatedly point to the importance of regular physical exercise. Lack of exercise and sitting for a long time make you sick. Among other things, it promotes chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system such as hypertension. Other health consequences: an increased risk of type II diabetes, overweight, musculoskeletal disorders due to physical underwear and unilateral attitudes, but also psychological effects such as depressive states or lack of of drive. But despite all these risks, many Germans do not move enough. This is clear from the DKV report: "How healthy is Germany?" In 2018.

The majority of Germans are far too idle and sit far too far. This favors various diseases of civilization. (Photo: Jacek Chabraszewski /

Minimal physical activity

As reported by Ergo Insurance Group, physical inactivity is becoming an increasingly important problem in Germany.

According to the DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung, only 43% of those surveyed reached the recommended minimum level of physical activity.

The figure was 60% in 2010.

"Since the first edition of the 2010 report, Germans are moving less and less – physical activity is essential to our well-being.", A Clemens Muth, chairman of the DKV board of directors, said in a press release

Nearly 2,900 Germans were interviewed for the DKV report, which can be downloaded from a media library 19659012] Effects on subjective well-being [19659002] The lack of physical activity not only has a negative effect on physical health, but also on subjective well-being:

"A sufficient recreational exercise is a good way to reduce stress." Froböse, professor at the German University of Sport in Cologne and scientific director of the DKV report

"Anyone who does not have sufficient physical activity can under certain circumstances only offset his daily stress and be more sensitive to psychosomatic distress. "

Especially alarming in this regard: a total of ten percent of them They do not do physical activity for more than ten minutes at a time – neither during work nor during transportation or leisure . [1965] The Germans sit too

Moreover, the Germans sit longer: after a light Improvement In 2016, the sitting time increased from 30 minutes per day to 7.5 hours

" Research suggests that long and uninterrupted sitting periods can increase the risk of many diseases of civilization, "says Froböse

. For example, studies have shown that prolonged sitting rapidly damages the back and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

"These adverse health effects can only be counterbalanced by a very high level of". physical activity. 19659012] "Healthy relationship to exercise"

According to DKV, the combination of several seats (more than eight hours a day) made with the körpe In fact, nearly one in three respondents to the The survey has shown that the negative effects on healthy lifestyles are exacerbated.

In total, 28% of respondents are regulars and movers and miss the minimum activity recommendations. Third seat at work between four to six hours and more every day. This applies especially to young people

"A healthy relationship with exercise begins as early as childhood." Clemens Muth

"The large increase in physical activity does not occur. so is in no way inferior to the knowledge of the laws of gravity. "

The World Health Organization (WHO) For adults, exercise at least 150 minutes a week, as do biking, jogging, playing football or swimming – at least ten minutes at a time It is important to increase the respiratory and cardiac frequency

More non-smokers in Germany

The DKV report also has a pleasing message: there are apparently more and more non-smokers in this country, according to reports, only 21% of Germans still use their cigarettes

However, there are strong differences

Most non-smokers live in Hesse, Baden-Wurt emberg and Hamburg, where 82% of the See shoulder

The most smoked is smoked on the German Baltic Sea coast: in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 28% use cigarette

The survey has also revealed that 82% do not drink alcohol or only occasionally. The Hessians are most likely to lift the glbad, the less alcohol is drunk in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.

Many can not make up for their stress

"A healthy way to deal with stress is extremely important." "Nearly half of all respondents (43 percent), according to the results, but fail to compensate for their sufficient stress."

The best way for people in Baden-Württemberg. Here, 62% reach the point of reference to manage stress in a healthy way.

The inhabitants of Saxony-Anhalt, Hesse and Brandenburg have the highest level of stress: Only one in two residents indicates that it can compensate for stress. (Ad)

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