Health: Germans live unhealthy


Berlin (dpa) – Car instead of bicycle, television instead of walking, office chair in place of the bench: the Germans are sitting with worry

More and more moans according to a survey commissioned by DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung, the results of which were published. Only 43% of respondents reached the recommended minimum level of physical activity. Value has declined further in recent years – in 2010, it was still at 60%. "For the report, nearly 2,900 Germans were interviewed – not only on the theme of exercise, but also on their health, nutrition, alcohol, smoking, stress," said Ingo Froböse, of the German University of Cologne. , Sensitivity to noise, loneliness and regeneration. This is the fifth survey of its kind since 2010. Overall, the image emerges from a society that thinks it is healthy, but in reality it has become lethargic – and has sometimes serious stress problems. Key Findings at a Glance:


More than half of the respondents (61%) feel that their health is good or very good. This contrasts sharply with the number of people who, in the opinion of the experts, can really claim to live healthy all around. That's only nine percent – they have enough exercise, do not smoke, eat well, drink little alcohol and have a healthy way of coping with stress. The value is a new low point. At least 14% reached the target values ​​in 2010.


The researchers, as a major problem for the Germans, compensate for the lack of movement. As a standard, they set the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). Adults should therefore practice at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes of strenuous exercise, such as jogging. But 43% of employees manage less than half. One in ten respondents reported not having been physically active for more than ten minutes in a row.

Ingo Froböse, head of the study, attributes the movement deficit to two developments: first, less physical work is being done today; sport decreased in free time. Nearly 80% of respondents do not do enough outside of work to do the minimum. For example, they do not walk often enough or ride a bicycle to get from A to B.

For that, Germans are a multi-seater people. On average, working hours correspond to nearly eight hours on weekdays – at work, but also on television, on the computer or in the car. Men are sitting longer than women, older people in any case less than younger ones. However, on television, the trend is reversed: the older the respondents, the more they are sitting in front of the television.


The study reveals that respondents feel more refreshed at the beginning of the week at the end of the work week. In higher paying jobs, the curve is steeper, which means that people who earn more – starting at $ 2,500 in net household income – feel less refreshed at the end of the week than those who have an income. inferior. Happy is the number of Germans who almost never manage to start the day cool – after all, eleven percent. "I believe we currently have no stress problem in our society, but we have a regeneration problem," said Froböse study leader. Germans have too rarely used physical activity to balance stress and stress. "They are too distracting – television, digital media, but that does not mean regeneration."


The gratifying message from the point of view of health experts: There is more and more non-smokers in Germany. Only 21% use cigarettes. And after all, 82% drink according to the survey not or only occasionally of alcohol. It is striking, however, that the more people earn, the more they raise the glbad.

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