"Titanic": the ship of misfortune will be rebuilt – first round 2022! – News abroad


Return of the most famous ship in the world!

The British shipping company Blue Star Line wants for 2022 a replica "Titanic" on its maiden voyage send the "Titanic II".

The tragic multi-filmed sinking of the legendary liner took place 110 years ago.

The director of the shipping company, Clive Palmer, announced his plan in early October in London, as reported "Cruise Arabia Online".

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Photo: AP / dpa

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What should the Turkish bath look like on the boatPhoto: AP / dpa

The "Titanic II" – as well as the first trip to the Arctic Ocean off Newfoundland "Titanic" of the shipping company "White Star Line" – regularly runs between Southampton and New York. Other destinations like Dubai are also included in the road map.

"Blue Star wants to create an authentic Titanic experience," said Australian billionaire Palmer. In plain language: the interior and the cabins must look like the original "Titanic" – modernized with "modern technology, better security and navigation systems of the 21st century".

New navigation devices could be a way to rebadure future pbadengers.

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Photo: Getty Images

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/so-berichtete-die-italienische-zeitung-corriere-della-serra-1912-about-the-death-the-titanic-41823754- 58003764 / image / 3.bild.jpg «/>

This is how the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Serra" reported in 1912 the sinking of the "Titanic"Photo: Getty Images

The original "Titanic" collided in the night of April 14, 1912 with an iceberg that the sailors on the lookout had seen too late at only 300 meters.

The ship sank two hours and 40 minutes later. Although the time available for evacuation is relatively long, 1515 of the more than 2200 people died on board.

Main reason: too few lifeboats!

Due to the high number of casualties, the sinking of the original Titanic is one of the biggest disasters in maritime history.

Nevertheless, the "Titanic II" should look a lot like the unfortunate ship, whose wreck now sits at nearly 4,000 meters deep at the bottom of the Atlantic, where it was discovered in 1985 by underwater archaeologists.

It is also planned to rebuild the ship's four emblematic chimneys – even though the "Titanic II" is no longer powered by coal, but by diesel. "The ship will sail around the world, inspire and delight people as it provides uninterrupted attention, fascination and enchantment in the ports," said Clive Palmer.

However, Palmer's noble plan is not entirely new: already in 2012, he announced the $ 500 million project and began construction work. Already this year, the "Titanic 2" should have even disappeared gradually. But because of financial problems, the project was canceled.

If it really works this time?

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