That's why only one nostril is blocked – health


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Sniffing alarm

October 25, 2018 at 07:40;
Law: 25.10.2018 07:40
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Already noticed? When we have a cold, one nostril is usually more secure than the other. And the "phenomenon" also has a (good) reason.

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Who does not know? With a cold, one nostril is often more blocked than the other! But why?


Do you often suffer from colds?

This is due to the so-called "nasal cycle". In doing so, the nervous system controls the mucous membranes of the nose, allowing the nostril to subside.

Second nostril in "rest phase"

Incidentally, everything happens in exchange. Means: After three to six hours, the second nostril is adjusted and then resumes breathing, while the other goes to the "resting phase".

Why in some people but both nostrils can be blocked at the same time and what theory is behind the "nose cycle", see video above.

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