Information on symptoms, vaccination and transmission


The outbreak of influenza 2018/2019 is approaching. What are the symptoms of the flu? Is vaccination helpful? All information on the current flu epidemic.

The 2017/2018 influenza epidemic still preoccupies researchers and doctors, as the 2018/2019 flu epidemic is already approaching. Patients with influenza should once again attack medical practices starting in January. It is still unclear whether the upcoming flu episode is again so violent that it has expired. All important questions and answers at a glance.

Flu Wave 2017/2018: how many people have been affected?

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the latest influenza outbreak in 2018 was the strongest in Germany since 2001. "An estimated nine million people have consulted a doctor because of an influenza illness" said researcher Silke Buda of RKI. "That still represented two million more people than during the severe influenza epidemic of 2012/13 and 2014/15".

When does the 2018/2019 flu epidemic begin?

The annual flu epidemic usually starts in December / January and then lasts for three to four months. Peak flu in 2019 will reach its peak next spring.

How bad will the next flu epidemic be?

It's still difficult to evaluate. Wave strength can vary considerably from year to year. In the past, strong and weak years have often alternated. In recent years, there have been several violent waves in a row, according to RKI.

Flu: How can you be infected?

The agents responsible for influenza are viruses that divide scientists into types A, B and C. For humans, seasonal influenza A and B viruses are particularly relevant. They can be transmitted by tiny droplets – a sneeze is enough. Above all, it is dangerous for influenza viruses to rapidly alter individual gene segments. This creates different subtypes for type A and new lines for type B.

Transmission of the influenza virus is mainly by droplets appearing especially during coughing or sneezing and reaching a short distance from the mucous membranes of the airways of the contact persons. There is also evidence of airborne transmission through even smaller droplet nuclei.

In addition, transmission of the flu is also possible by direct hand contact with contaminated secretions containing the virus, followed by hand-to-mouth contact and nose-nose, such as a handshake.

Is a flu shot really helpful?

"More vaccines would clearly prevent more diseases," says Silke Buda of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Already for the 2016/17 season, the RKI expects 22,900 deaths due to the flu in Germany. "The past wave could even be higher," says the expert. A nationwide estimate of recent deaths from influenza is still lacking, as death data from the Federal Statistical Office are not yet available.

For whom does influenza vaccination make sense?

The Standing Committee on Immunization (STIKO) recommends immunization for all persons over 60 years of age, chronically ill people of all ages, pregnant women, and medical and nursing staff. In particular, the German Heart Foundation recommends cardiac patients to be vaccinated against influenza because they are particularly exposed to the previous disease. In addition, patients over the age of 60 will be advised to receive a pneumococcal vaccine.

When should you be vaccinated?

Sensitive are the influenza vaccines of October and November. Because until immunization protection is fully implemented, it lasts from 10 to 14 days.

How does the vaccine work?

In young adults, vaccination can have a protective effect of up to 80%. Older people can reduce their risk by an average of about half – the efficiency is then between 40 and 60%. A vaccine is considered the best protection against the flu.


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Is a flu shot recommended for pregnant women?

Yes. The advantage is that the baby then enjoys protection against the flu in the first few months. "The Standing Committee on Immunization (STIKO) recommends influenza vaccination to all pregnant women starting in the second trimester of pregnancy, with an increased risk for health due to a primary disease (such as lymphadenopathy). asthma or diabetes) from the first trimester of pregnancy, "reads the website StiKo.

If not, how can you protect yourself from the flu?

The vaccine is the most important protective measure despite the varying effectiveness from one season to the next. In addition, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and to move away from patients to reduce the risk of illness. (AZ)

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