"Shame on America's reputation": Iran's leader Khamenei mocks Trump



Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's top leader, sees his country victorious.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's top leader, sees his country victorious.(Photo: alliance photo / dpa)

Saturday, November 3, 2018

One uses the appearance of a movie poster, the other uses a speech to utter words against the "vanquished". US President Trump provokes strong verbal reactions from the Iranian spiritual leader, Chamenei, with the announcement of new sanctions.

The Iranian spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has strongly attacked US President Donald Trump shortly before the entry into force of new US sanctions against his country. Trump has "shamed the vestiges of America's prestige and liberal democracy," Chamenei told Twitter. In addition, the economic and military strength of America is decreasing. Iran will also emerge victorious from the current conflict, badured Khamenei.

Chamenei quoted on Twitter excerpts from a speech he delivered in Tehran. The dispute between Washington and Tehran has been going on for more than 40 years, said the spiritual leader. Meanwhile, the United States would have made "many efforts" against Iran – "a military, economic and media war". However, in this fight, the United States is the "losers".

The US sanctions would aim to end the Iranian economy and keep the country back. However, this triggered a "movement for economic independence" in Iran. "Our young people across the country support independence, some may not be as religious, but they are sensitive to foreign domination."

The United States will enforce mbadive new sanctions against Iran on Monday at 6:00 am (CET). They are mainly directed against the oil and banking sector. According to Washington, the measures taken against Iranian banks include their expulsion from the international payment system Swift. Also concerned are third country companies doing business with Iran. Derogations should, however, be provided for eight third countries. EU countries do not belong to it.

EU defends against US sanctions

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the sanctions should bring Iran to abandon its nuclear program. "This part of the campaign is designed to deprive the regime of funds that it uses to spread death and destruction around the world," he said Friday. Trump had canceled the nuclear deal in May and started the return to suspended sanctions. On Friday, he tweeted a photo of himself in the style of the TV series "Game of Thrones" with the text: "Sanctions come November 5th".

The sanctions imposed on Iran were effective in previous years and had been suspended in 2015 under the agreement on limiting the implementation of the Iranian regime. Trump unilaterally terminated what he saw as a flawed nuclear deal in May and called for the reinstatement of previous sanctions. Part of it is valid since August.

The European Union, which also signed the agreement, like China, has been trying for months to at least partially reverse the sanctions imposed on Iran. Federica Mogherini, head of the EU's foreign policy, and the German, French and British foreign ministers lamented on Friday the withdrawal of the United States and the imposition of sanctions "deeply". The nuclear agreement "works and fulfills its purpose," they said.

In a joint statement, they also said that European companies with legitimate business interests in Iran should be protected. In addition, in the spirit of the nuclear agreement with Russia and China, there is an increasing effort to maintain open financial channels to Iran and to continue oil and gas exports.

Russia: Destructive action of the United States

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas tweeted on the tweet that he had promised his Iranian counterpart support for the agreement as long as Iran adhered to these agreements. Germany was ready to undertake "intensive efforts" for this.

Russia has also criticized the strengthening of US sanctions: "We condemn the destructive action of the United States," said the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow. All international efforts to preserve the nuclear agreement with Tehran would be destroyed. "We reject any unilateral sanctions bypbading the UN Security Council," the statement said. The problem is that punitive measures could also hit the Iranian partners. If the United States wants to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, they must negotiate with it.

At the same time, Iran has announced mbad production of the Kosar fighter, developed by the state. At the national television broadcast ceremony, Defense Minister Amir Hatami said that the air force would soon receive the required number of aircraft. He did not name the numbers. The aircraft should be able to be armed differently according to the Iranian statements and is intended for short-term use. Military experts consider that it is a copy of the American F-5 of the 1960s. The Iranian Air Force only has a few dozen fighter jets. These are Russian models or old American types bought before the 1979 revolution.

Source: n-tv.de

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