"Our goal must be 40%"


Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn, presidential candidate for the CDU, has set a 40 per cent election target for his party and called for a more open debate. Currently, the Union is only 24%. "Our goal as a popular party must be 40%, and for that we need a personal and substantial renewal," said the conservative Christian Democrat wing of the World on Sunday. His candidacy was an "offer for a generation and a change of style".

"We need to relearn how to conduct broad and open debates in the party," said Spahn. This would require clear decisions. The method adopted by Chancellor Angela Merkel, leader of the outgoing party, to blur the differences between the parties, had borne fruit in the past. "But society is changing, it's repolitized, and if you vote, you want to have a real choice again," he said.

"Control, control and limit migration"

Spahn claimed that he attached a central importance to the theme of migration. He had already received criticism from party member Armin Laschet. He also wanted to discuss other topics, Spahn said, but: "As long as the problems of migration are not solved in a perceptible way, the subject will come back and be superimposed." After all, we did not participate in the federal elections in our bastions of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Saxony because of our care policy or our research policy. "

It was more likely to be covered by the UN Pact on Migration, rejected by Austria and criticized by the AfD. The debate is still going on in the parliamentary group. "It is important for Germany to maintain its sovereignty over control, control and limitation of migration," added Spahn. In terms of European politics, he warned against moving towards a European state.

According to pollsters, the most unpopular candidate, Spahn is in the running for the presidency of the CDU party. According to a poll by Emnid on behalf of "Bild am Sonntag", Friedrich Merz is the favorite of Merkel's successor at the top of the CDU. According to her, 38% of respondents would choose Merz as president of the CDU. 27% would vote for former CDU general secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and 13% for Spahn.

Scarcity is the advantage of Merz among the supporters of the Union. 44% would vote for him, 39% for Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Jens Spahn receives only 9% of the supporters of the Union.

According to the Emnid poll on 1008 citizens, the majority of Germans welcomed the withdrawal of Angela Merkel from the CDU party presidency. 68% said they did not regret Merkel's decision. By cons, 28% regret it. The situation is different for supporters of the Union: 54% regretted the withdrawal of Merkel, 46% no.

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