Beginning of Eighth National Prevention Week in Schools: Sexual Health and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Youth: Education Matters


Message from 03.11.2018 to 14:29


In November, as every year, HIV / AIDS and other badually transmitted infections (STIs) will be reported in the permanent and vocational schools of Rhineland-Palatinate. Experts from the ministries of health and AIDS-Hilfe inform Schlerinnen and Schler from 5 to 9 November of the measures to be taken to protect baduality and health.

Region / Neuwied. With good treatment methods, young people's knowledge of HIV and AIDS may become less important. This leads to imprudent and unnecessarily risky behavior. On the other hand, the School Prevention Week aims to provide preventive information on HIV / AIDS and other badually transmitted infections.

Nowadays, many HIV-positive people can lead a normal life using effective medications to treat a chronic illness. Some other badually transmitted infections that young people should be aware of are now more at the center of prevention activities. School events make young people aware of the importance of protecting themselves against HIV and other badually transmitted infections.

With the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor, Health and Demography, the AIDS Aid Rhineland-Palatinate and the Ministries of Health, the LZG is one of the initiators of the Week. action that will take place for the eighth time this year. Because of their temporal proximity, Prevention Week in Schools is a link to World AIDS Day, celebrated each year on December 1st.

Treat yourself as a treat

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also known as STDs, are among the most common badually transmitted infections in Germany, apart from HIV. These include, for example, Chlamydia infection, HPV, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, trichomoniasis and hepatitis B. The Robert Koch Institute can not call the exact figures for all diseases, because not all infections are notifiable. STIs are lighter and sometimes transmissible by means other than HIV, such as smudging, kissing or oral bad. If left untreated, such infections can lead to central nervous system damage, infertility, or other long-term health problems. In addition, they make the body vulnerable and can increase the risk of HIV infection. Condoms are important, but do not like STIs.

With what behavior we protect ourselves individually from badually transmitted infections, AIDS professionals and health care will bring young people closer together. They also promote solidarity: People living with HIV continue to be discriminated against and treated exceptionally at work, in sport and in social interactions. The Week of Action raises awareness among people living with HIV in the absence of prejudice and allows them to live unhindered.

Website information

During the prevention week, the AIDS / STI counseling centers of the Ministry of Health cooperate with AIDS Aid in Rhineland-Palatinate and implement local actions for pupils and apprentices in various places.
In the district of Neuwied, the health authority organizes prevention and information activities in the following secondary and vocational schools: Ludwig Erhard school in Neuwied and vocational training center in Heimbach Weis.

Gerhard Wermter explains that the offers of the badual health counseling center, including AIDS from the Department of Health, address the subject of badually transmitted infections. We want to raise awareness about the risks of infection, inform about the warning signs and symptoms and reinforce the personal responsibility of adolescents. Nobody should reject the idea of ​​a venereal disease according to the slogan: It does not affect me, says Beate Klb, director of the health department of Neuwied.

Support for teachers and schools

A national training program already provided teachers with information on the current state of HIV / AIDS and STIs in October, as well as methodically developing ways to implement the topic in the clbadroom. In addition, attention was drawn to the cooperation with AIDS-Hilfe and Gesundheitsmtern in Rhineland-Palatinate, available not only as part of the Week of Action, but throughout the year as regional contact points for schools. In addition to information or communication offers with staff, they also support school-specific actions, for example on World AIDS Day.

LZG information material

A LZG pamphlet called Infection knows no bounds is an important guide to badual health. It provides information on various badually transmitted infections and gives names such as contagiousness, evolution, treatment, symptoms, prevention and risks.

The LZG has also developed a leaflet on intimate hygiene for girls and boys entering puberty. The leaflet gives friendly tips for young people on health and provides basic information on the body and intimate hygiene.

The material can be downloaded or ordered from the LZG home page:

Events list

Further information and a list of events that take place during Prevention Week are available on LZG's homepage at the address

Contact person for regional action in the district of Neuwied: Gerhard Wermter, Kreiswundheitsamt Neuwied, tel. 02631 / 803-713. (PM)

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