Already 300 people have Ebola


Of the 300 cases, the Ebola virus was clearly detected at 265 in the laboratory. Since early August, about 26,000 people have received a promising experimental vaccine against the Ebola virus to halt the epidemic.

The recent epidemic of dangerous haemorrhagic fever mainly affects the city of Beni and its environs, in the politically troubled province of North Kivu. Several militias and rebel groups are active, which prevents badistants from visiting patients quickly, isolating and contacting their loved ones. There is also resistance to vaccination – which is characterized by deep distrust of the government – resistance.

The Ebola virus is one of the most dangerous pathogens in the world. During an outbreak in 2014/2015, more than 11,000 people died in West Africa. Infected people can easily transmit the virus.

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