The Geissens (RTL2): Carmen Geiss wants to realize the dream of her daughter Shania – the fans are shocked


Carmen Geiss wants to fulfill her dream for her daughter Shania and has hired a model coach. The fans are dismayed – and find clear words.

Carmen Geiss organizes modeling coaching for Shania – from fans cheering critics

Update of November 26, 2018: The Geissen are known for their extravagant lifestyle. Their show "The Geissens – A terribly glamorous family" on RTL2 recounts the luxurious daily life, including luxury clothes and his own yacht. But now, Carmen Geiss has gone too far according to the fans. She hired a bridge trainer for her 13-year-old daughter, including the famous "Next Top Model of Germany," Papis Loveday.

In a program trailer of Monday, November 26, the youngest daughter of Geissens tells that she's been modeling for years. Her mother wants to fulfill her wish and calls model coach Papis Loveday to help her. He organizes a bridge training in public where he also advises Carmen Geiss. But when his daughter Shania's turn would be, adorns the teenager. Many times, she denies wanting to participate. Papis Loveday arouses interest and he says to the shattered 13 year old German: "I thought I came here because you really want it".

Fans find that a coaching model for a girl like Shania does not fit at all and are horrified on Facebook. "Shania is far too small to be a model", "such nonsense" or "The money for the coach should have been best given to poor children," users say. One user even said that Carmen Geiss would have done her a favor and not her daughter. "She herself would like to do that," said the fan among the trailers.

If Shania will participate in modeling coaching or if the notes will fly between her and Mama Carmen, shows RTL2 in the new episode of "Die Geissens" on Monday, November 26 at 20:15.

Carmen Geiss climbs on the scale – the result surprises her

Update of November 25, 2018: Miracles happen again and again: Carmen Geiss spends a week in a detox farm and takes off smoothly. It's not unusual at all, but for the 53-year-old, apparently a little miracle that allows them to publish almost euphoric on their Instagram account: "This is the burner after a week @ detox.beauty_farm I have four kilos with a lot of discipline removed !! i just feel fantastic after all the applications and i have some energy now !! i will definitely continue at home and be back next week for a week !! that it worked really well, thanks also to the great team … "

Carmen Geiss wants to introduce fans to her new XXL tattoo and shows her naked bad

Update of November 19 at 21:17: Even before the Monday night episode, Carmen Geiss knocked out the fans. She showed on Instagram, which should also be about "The Geissens" in the evening: her huge tattoo on her bad and above. Not as a first but as a second part of a series of images (click or drag to see it).

In the episode of Monday, Carmen Geiss was put into a trance. Under hypnosis, she wanted to be stabbed by painless tattoo artist Manuel a cover-up. To warm up, the hypnotist Martin Bolze examined his soul and they embarked on a mental journey into Carmen's childhood. After final agreement on the tattoo motif, Carmen fell into hypnosis and Manuel started his work. Thanks to the Instagram photo, the result is now able to see all the fans just above their bare feet.

Carmen Geiss: Did Frau von Robert become intelligent?

Update from 08. November 2018 to 13:38: Age leaves unpleasant marks. The hair loses its shine, the once perfect skin becomes more and more pale. And distorted calories make their way onto their own hips faster than ever before. An unbearable process for some celebrities. Also, for Carmen Geiss, the own body does not seem to be good enough. The reality TV star is obviously dazed by the measure of her dreams.

Video: Is Carmen Geiss stunned on this picture?

The alleged vertigo flies Carmen Geiss around the ears

Instagram, Carmen posing casually on a railing. On closer inspection, several inconsistencies emerge. "Who worked on that?" The railing is curved and the sea also has an elbow ?, says a disciple. And indeed, the sea takes a strange vault. For all the representatives of the terrestrial disk theory, the photo would probably be a reason to scream.

That 53-year-old Photoshop's capabilities seem more than extensible, also proves a second image in the Maldives. Again, a curved ramp exposes the supposed trickery. Straight structures suddenly become curved. In the network we accept. Carmen wanted to make herself slimmer than she actually is: "There was clearly Photoshop at work."

Another formula even more radically his opinion: "I would like to see the original photos.Faux images are posted here and everyone writes:" Oh, how nice it is. I call "fishing for compliments" from an aging lady. "

"Attempted badbadination" on Robert? Carmen shows her curves

Updated from 07 November 2018 to 10:00 am: It will probably never be boring among the Geissens and this week the reality TV family is again in charge of a lot of talk. While Carmen presents photos of her body still well-trained to Instagram's fans, Robert was probably in life-threatening on a dive trip.

"In the Maldives, my hair does not worry," writes the 53-year-old woman in a photo she uploaded a few days ago on the Instagram platform. Then watch RTL II star with wet hair and wearing only a tight bikini at the pool in the Maldives. However, the opinions of his supporters on the permissive images of his body always tonic are very distant.

"Beautiful silhouette, well done," praises a 53 year old adept. "All 20-year-olds are jealous," another fan enthuses, but there are also critical voices in the comments section of the social network. "Dear Carmen, this photo does not flatter you," notes a user. Another critic goes further and doubts the authenticity of the images: "Photoshop, the head resting on another body, hurts so much." With the revealing images of the Maldives right now, another star is causing a sensation. ,

Robert Geiss in dive danger – "attempted murder" of his wife?

While Carmen has only to fight with Internet critics, her husband, Robert Geiss, was by his own admission the target of an badbadination attempt. But what happened? Like the portal OKAY! It seems that the 54-year-old was diving with a friend when problems arose. The current being too strong, the team of divers had to cancel their trip and return to the surface of the water.

The wife Carmen then wanted to play the savior in distress and was quick to help the Geissen boat. However, as the waves were very strong, the 53-year-old pilot barely managed to keep the boat under control, dangerously driving near the two divers, creating additional danger. "I could hold you accountable," grumbled Robert Geiss before talking about an "attempted badbadination" of his wife. It never gets boring with the Geiss family.

Robert Geiss: great idea! Why did he sink his luxury trolley into the garden?

Update of October 31, 2018 at 10:20 am: For terms such as "curious" or "extraordinary", the Geissen have unquestionably set new standards. Once again this time. Because his car was demolished and the insurance refused to pay the damages, Robert Geiss decided to do without the boring walk in the workshop for a strange ritual.

Out of love for his Audi Q7, he offered his faithful vehicle a funeral and sank it without further ado for the windshield in the garden of his property in Saint-Tropez. So everyone can now see the monument of the family car pbading near the villa. Of course, a tombstone was not lacking. After all, the Audi was a faithful companion of the Geissens until the accident.

Although his wife, Carmen, at first, does not understand much of the remarkable idea of ​​her husband, she then participates in the funeral. Has the tears flowed to the burial of the former rolling sub-badembly, is not known.

But there is hardly time for mourning. After all, Robert has planned a very secret surprise party for his wife's 52nd birthday. For that, he brings many friends to St. Tropez. As the evening will be surprising, there will be RTL II on Monday, November 5 at 20:15 in a new double episode of "The Geisses – A terribly glamorous family!". You can be curious.

Carmen Geiss posts a picture of her and her daughter – a detail that angry fans

Update of October 28, 2018 at 16:50: In fact, this should be snapshots of Dubai vacation, but fans only pay attention to one detail of the photo. Carmen Geiss has published on Instagram a photo of herself in a noble staircase with a gold ramp. "What a beautiful night with our children and friends !! #dubai", writes Carmen.

But many fans only pay attention to the image of their daughter Shania. The reason: their shoes. "Why do you let such a young girl wear such tall shoes," is a comment. Because they are too high for some users. "Does a girl have to wear such shoes? I really do not want to say that!", Comments a user about the 14-year-old's style.

"The Geissens" on RTL2: Carmen Geiss annoys fans with a photo of their daughter Shania

It's not just the shoes, part of Robert and Carmen Geiss's girl outfit appears, as one user says: "Terrible kids are not something … nice things, but the face the child does not fit at all ". A black jumpsuit, which seems to be laced and gives a free look on the back. These are the tall, seemingly transparent shoes.

Other fans simply write "you are beautiful" or "Shania has become a real little lady". And stand on the side of mother Carmen. "Not far falls in the apple," says a user. And: "…. beautiful girls you have !! I think it's really nice"

Shock for "The Geissens": When Carmen arrives in front of a video camera, the disaster occurs

Report of October 17, 2018:

Phuket / Thailand – The Goose World Tour is at the forefront. "The Indigo Star" was heavily damaged, the atmosphere on the family's yacht is in the basement. Everything happened to Carmen's turn for her new music video.

"The Geissens" on RTL2: Is the world tour over for Robert and Carmen?

"It's a disaster! It's the worst thing that can happen. So we can not continue, now the world's tour is over here," Geiss said. Husband Robert is also angry.

Robert Geiss is angry

© RTL 2 / Geiss TV

Read also: Carmen Geiss in the online war against Farid Bang – Robert intervenes

The millionaire family must now bring their vehicle inevitably to the next port. There he must be repaired. The problem: in Phuket Thailand, it's not so easy. In addition, a repair probably costs a large sum.

Read also:
Dear Rolex watch for her daughter: that's why she cracked at the birthday of Geissens

"The Geissens" on RTL2: New music video of Carmen Geiss – the misfortune happens during the shooting

"Island in the Caribbean" is Carmen's new single. "Indigo Star" was unsuccessful and had been severely damaged during the filming of the clip. To determine the extent of the damage, special divers examined the boat from below.

The divers came back with bad news: the propeller of the ship was badly damaged. It must be repaired now permanently.

The decision for the Geiss family is now imminent: will the boat be repaired or will the Geissens return home?

Read also: Robert Geiss is enough! He announces a decisive step

"The Geissen – A terribly glamorous family" is a RTL-2 documentary series on the millionaire Geiss family. The 14th season is currently being broadcast on the free German television channel.

Read also: The Geissens: bad moment of shock for Davina's friend

In addition: Although not in a bikini, but with a similar revealing outfit, a blogger tried to come to the Louvre in Paris.


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