Stand: 27.11.2018 09:58 hours

Politics continues to argue about the wolf. For his return to Germany is becoming more and more of a problem for farmers. The Union therefore wants to allow animal hunting more fully.

The number of wolves in Germany is increasing. What environmentalists are happy about can be a risk for farmers. The parliamentary group of the Union is now asking to facilitate the shooting of animals, as reported by the "editorial network Germany".

Wolf should not be too close to the village and the city

In a corresponding position paper, the Union therefore calls for "no-wolf areas" in which animals can be slaughtered. To this end, it is advisable to count the dikes on which the sheep are kept. Likewise, wolves must be slaughtered, who repeatedly approach villages or towns. This killing should also be legitimate if the wolf has not caused any damage, such as the destruction of other animals.

According to the current Wolfsmonitoring for 2017/2018 of the Federal Agency for the Conservation of Nature, currently live more than 70 wolf packs in Germany. Wolves are now present in seven federal states: Bavaria, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

Farmers complain about losses from attacks

Farmers in affected states report more and more wolf attacks on their livestock. Only in Lower Saxony, more than 400 animals were killed last year by a wolf attack or had to be euthanized thereafter.

So the wolf topic was also a political issue. In the summer, the Great Coalition reached a compromise on how to treat wolves. This is intended to facilitate the compensation of farmers for damages.

In the beginning